124. Su Su, you actually kissed me secretly.

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Because only the two of them came out to eat hot pot and did not choose the big box, Su Su and Lu Xiao found a relatively secluded corner to sit down, and each table was covered by a screen full of small broken flowers. It's not too noisy, and few people pay attention to other tables.

Su Su chewed the shrimp balls and swallowed it, and when he heard the sound, he raised his head subconsciously, and then felt a cold thing on his lips, much like a small jelly frozen in the refrigerator in summer. When she realized what it was, she suddenly leaned back and leaned her entire back on the big chair.

"You, you--" Su Su's face blushed, you, ah, you haven't said a whole word.

Lu Xiao stepped back. He licked the corners of his lips, as if he could still feel the soft touch on it. After all, it was the first time he did this kind of hooligan thing. The tips of his ears were also red, but his complexion was as usual. Just now I just wanted to remind you that there was something on the corner of your mouth. I didn't expect you to take the opportunity to steal my kiss."

Su Su: "???" Does this bastard dare to call a thief? !

She trembled with anger, her eyes wet and red, "Lu Xiao, you are talking nonsense!"

Fortunately, Lu Xiao just wanted to tease her on purpose. Seeing that the little girl's shy eyes were red, he was afraid that there would be no appointment for today's meeting. ."

"You are mean and shameless!"

Lu Xiao's eyelids jumped, and he barely agreed: "I am despicable and shameless."

"Lu Xiao is the bastard!"

Is this stinky girl still struggling?

Lu Xiao pressed down his eyebrows and looked at her with a deep expression on his eyes.

The look in his eyes seemed to say, Su Su, don't take an inch.

Then I saw the little girl's mouth collapsed and she looked like a dog crying on the spot without coaxing me.

Lu Xiao: "..."

What kind of trash girlfriend, I will never talk about it again.

"All right, my bastard, ancestor, can you eat it soon? After eating, I will show you a movie."

I don't know if the little girl forgave him, so she lowered her head.

Su Su poked the beef balls on the plate fiercely, using too much force, but he didn't notice one, the beef balls were exploded, and the soup inside sprayed her face.

Su Su's whole body froze, petrified on the spot.

The original white face is now covered with yellow and yellow soup. No one expected this change. Lu Xiao was taken aback for a second, pulled the tissue and walked to the opposite side, holding up the little girl's face. Wiping her face gently and patiently.

"Su Su, you can make a face even after eating, tell your brother, how did you do it, eh?"

The boy's voice was joking.

Su Su didn't want to talk to him, the whole person was about to autistic.

She also didn't expect that such a stupid thing was actually done by her, which was even more irritating and embarrassing than being beaten down by Lu Xiao just now.

What a broken date is this, I will never ask again.

Because of this change, I didn't want to eat the meal. Su Su ate hastily and followed the boy out of the hot pot restaurant. At the door, the waiter smiled professionally: "Welcome Mr. Miss to visit this restaurant next time."

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