59. My husband livestreamed!

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Su Su had a beautiful weekend at home, and only returned to school on Sunday afternoon.

Everywhere is good at home, the only flaw is that the dad will always look at her with the grudge in the past two days, which makes Su Su not ashamed.

There is no reason for it. The pots on the balcony that should have been sheltered from the rain in the house were all killed by the rainstorm.


When Su Su returned to the dormitory, two roommates were surfing the Internet, and the other was reading a book on the table.

I have to say that Qiao Meng is a veritable girl who speaks softly and never sees who she blushed. The soft outer field like Su Su is still slightly different from others.

Su Su bent her lips and greeted the roommates with a smile.

"I brought puffs at home, do you want to come down for dessert?"

The two roommates who had been lying on the bed suddenly limped down.

"I want to eat cream!"

"I love strawberry flavor!"

"Actually, the matcha tastes good..."


The four people gathered around to kill a bag of desserts, and Lu Yao sighed with satisfaction.

"Still we are so good, without hurting you in vain."

Su Su scratched her head shyly and said in a very obedient manner: "No, you just like it."

Luo Qing leaned on the cupboard and played with her cell phone. At this time, a message suddenly popped up in the notification bar, which made her instantly refreshed.

"Low God Live Broadcast!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole dormitory burst into a pan.

"Ah! My husband is finally on the air!" Lu Yao said with his mouth, his hands kept moving, and followed Luo Qing into the live broadcast room of Xiaoshen.

Even Qiao Meng, who was usually quiet, was full of excitement.

Su Su looked dumbfounded: "Is your husband Hu Ge?"

When Lu Yao heard it, he looked up at her very seriously: "I have a dozen husbands, do you want to listen?"

Su Su: "..." Her roommate is really loving.

The people in a dormitory ran to watch the live broadcast. Su Su stood beside Lu Yao and looked into the screen with his head: "Yao Yao, who is the God of War?"

Lu Yao was shocked and said, "You don't even know the owl god? Crisp, you honestly confessed to me, how long has your home been disconnected from the Internet?"

Su Su: "..." Just speak, and engage in any personal attack.

Although Lu Yao said this on her lips, she didn't really want to laugh at her meaning, and explained patiently: "The God of War is famous for playing the Jedi survival. Not only do people have the strength, they also speak very humorously, he usually talks to us. Fans are chatting together, never carrying the burden of idols, the most important thing is! His voice is thieves, sexy thieves, and such a peerless anchor who doesn't love..."

Su Su heard this, slightly stunned, involuntarily outlined Lu Xiao's face.

In this world, is there any other man who can be as sexy as social brother's voice...

She was thinking about it, she heard a chuckle from her roommate's cell phone: "What do you want to see?"

The following fans were tumultuous.

{Want to see you show your face! ! ! }

{O-God begs you to show your face to meet the concubine's heart! ! ! }

{Is it the only one I want to see the anchor? }

{Wow, the owl powder above is so good! }

{What's the big deal? I just went to elementary school this year, hey, I can't understand. }


His voice is somewhere between a man and a young man, and there is a sense of tiredness in the laziness, like the leaves falling on the trees in the summer, the rusty ground, and the dazzling heart.

The moment Su Su heard the sound, she felt aroused by something in her heart. She looked down at the screen subconsciously, and thought she could see the man's face. It's been a long time since I recovered.

"The one who just spoke...is the owl god?" Su Su said silently.

Lu Yao nodded vigorously: "I have followed this circle for so many years and I have never heard a sexier voice than the God of Owl!"

Su Su's eyes were like nailing them to the screen. After a while, he murmured: "Yaoyao, do you think his voice looks like a person?"

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