196. People are alive, not as good as dogs.

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After thinking about it, Su Su felt quite happy.

But sometimes people are so weird. They are not ashamed to call them whatever they want. Once someone asks you to call him in another way, regardless of whether it is your husband or brother, you will feel ashamed for no reason.


Qingcheng is a small town, and most of the people in it are still very simple. They can't walk far, just like the small river fields. Small towns are slow to adjust their pace, and people unconsciously follow to relax. Drink a morning tea in the morning and sunbathe in the afternoon. It's not too comfortable to walk around.

Su Su stayed in the north for a long time, and finally got used to the icy temperature. When he returned to the south, he started to feel uncomfortable again.

The cold in the north is dry and cold, and the temperature rises by wearing two more clothes, while in the south, it is wet and cold. The sun shines on the roof, but the inside is cold and humid.

Turn on the heater, it's too dry, and it's too cold without it.

Su Su found a big chair and dragged it outside the small building to bask in the sun.

The big yellow dog's den is in the yard, and it doesn't take much effort to get into the sun. Su Su squinted slightly, watching the cozy big yellow dog exuding all over her body. At this moment, she truly felt that people Being alive is not as good as a dog.

After a while, I heard an angry voice coming from outside the door--

"Shu Baoer, he is still not a buddy anymore, and he won't say hello to his brother when he comes back?"

Obviously he was a handsome young man, and his temperament was gone when he opened his mouth.

Su Su's lips twitched, and he looked up and glanced at him: "I didn't tell you, didn't you find it along the door?"

The two are neighbors, and she can always hear something next door.

Shen Chen frowned, still a little dissatisfied: "This is different."

He didn't use himself as an outsider. He entered the house and moved a stool out. He sat next to Su Su and talked about it. "You and that cool guy are dealing with each other, does Uncle Su know?"

Su Su's face was pulled down in an instant: "Don't mention it, my father saw Lu Xiao as if he saw an enemy, urging me to break up every day."

It's terrible.

Shen Chen smiled unkindly: "That's it."

"I can't understand that buddy for a long time. I want to marry my sister, and I am still dragging him in front of me like two to eighty thousand. It deserves it!"

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and it was inevitable that there would be endless words, and Su Su hadn't been back to his hometown for a long time, so I really missed it. Even when I saw a dog, I felt that it was not enough to be close.

Su Su listened to the other party's grumble, and his thoughts gradually drifted away.

I sketched the face of the boy in my mind--

That guy is really handsome when he is handsome, and his voice is really nice, but his stinky temper is not an ordinary person, and he can't help it.

Su Su curled her lips silently.

Shen Chen stayed there for a long time, and waited for a long time without waiting for the girl to respond. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw her wandering beyond the sky.

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