69. Lu Xiao's hard-earned money

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It's hard to say why, Su Su always feels that the social brother's words are similar to the previous sentence "If I am your father".

She stood outside the burger shop, and the store was brightly lit. Through the glass window, she could see the juvenile long back. Her legs were slender. Against the background, she was a bit colder out of thin air, and she was an absolute killer.

Su Su stared at the teenager's back, his thoughts diverging slightly.

She won't let her follow the purchase of chicken drumsticks. Isn't this social brother dismissing her Su Su as being too short and taking her out without a row of noodles before leaving her outside the store?

Thinking of this might be the reason, Su Su rushed into a feeling of difficulty in words.

She was a little unhappy.

When Lu Xiao came out carrying the bag, he saw such a scene.

The little girl dangled her head, probably encountered some annoyance, the whole face was tangled and wrinkled together, and the weak lights around her hit her face, looking a bit pitiful.

Lu Xiao glanced back and glanced back at Su Su's pig head. I'm afraid he couldn't think of a reason to break his head.


Just listening to his voice, he couldn't hear much emotion.

Su Su glanced at the handbag in the hand of the teenager, only to see that the packaging was very rich, including hamburger fried chicken legs and chicken rice milk tea, etc. She was stunned for a moment, looked up at him with his face: "All for me of?"

Lu Xiao was very cold.

Su Su couldn't help but feel sorrowful, this bag of supper, classmate Lu did not know how many bricks to move to buy back.

She took the bag with a heavy face, only to feel that the fried chicken leg seemed to be heavy.

She did not eat fried chicken legs, but Lu Xiao's hard-earned money.

The two walked down the street to the dormitory, and cicadas came from time to time, the atmosphere was quiet.

Suddenly he reached the door of the dormitory, and Lu Xiao stopped.

Su Su looked up at him and said sincerely, "Student Lu, thank you tonight."

Tonight's experience was thrilling. After playing the fool, I went around in the bureau, but the only regret is that she didn't go up and kick the wretched big man.

It's really cheap for him.

Lu Xiao lowered his eyes and looked at the splendid girl with her lips smiling, her lips rising slightly, and her tone was unclear: "Why don't you call me brother?"

Su Su was stunned, and his cheeks were slightly hot after he recovered.

What's wrong with the social brother today, and to help her confuse and buy her supper, and when she's done, she actively asks her to call her brother.

It's a bit too abnormal.

It was only after Lu Xiao's words that he said something. He dubiously froze for two seconds and said a little impatiently, "What are you doing stupidly, don't you go back to the dormitory?"

After that, he added a sentence that he wanted to cover up: "Don't think about it, but I saved you out of classmates' siblings. I am not interested in a girl like you who is almost recessed in the ground."

Su Su: "..." @#¥%!

Even if Su Su chases a king, she will never chase Lu Xiao, a king! ! !

Absolutely not! ! !


There was no slag left by Lu Xiao who was still soaring. Su Su lingered back to the dormitory, and as soon as he entered the door, he heard Lu Yao say:

"Just when Su Su was almost encountering the salty pig hand, classmate Lu Xiao was like a god, and he swooped down from the sky with a whine."

"He said coldly: Who is your sister?"

"I didn't have time to investigate at the time. I didn't realize how much vinegar was in Lu Xiao's words until I returned to the dorm."

"This is love!" Lu Yao sighed.

"and then?"

"What happened to those gangsters?"

The other two roommates experienced the online chase for the first time, with anticipation.

Suo Xinglu Yao did not disappoint them either, her tone was excited and said: "After receiving the bottle of Su Suai, classmate Lu Xiao seems to have eaten Dali Pills, full of strength, and beat the group with a dozen and seven. Crying and shouting dad!"


"Lu Xiaoniu!"

"It's worthy of us being a big school bully, well-deserved reputation."

Luo Qing and Qiao Meng very much expressed their opinions on the opera.

Su Su: "..."

If her roommate becomes a screenwriter, she will be able to earn a pot of money.

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