37. The Beautiful Boy Who Came From The Comics

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A large campus has a number of shops, and the end of military training happens to be the peak of the crowd. Lu Xiao looked at the crowd in front of him, rubbed his forehead, and felt a headache.

Master Lu disdain to do the kind of competition with people, he stood at the counter of the shop, beckoning Su Su like a puppy.

"come here."

Su Su was a little dissatisfied with the young man's attitude of twenty-five million yuan, so he moved slightly and moved reluctantly, "What is it?"

Lu Xiao took the little girl's movements into her eyes and whispered, "Are you a turtle, crawling so slowly."

Su Su: "..."

Sure enough, a man with a good voice will have some personality defects.

As soon as I saw the little proof of moving bricks, I knew that he was not beaten as a kid.

"I want to get what I want to eat. I'll check it out when I'm done." Lu Xiao leaned against the counter behind him and spoke lazily.

The teenager's posture was straight, wearing military training uniforms to make his legs more slender, the facial features deep and three-dimensional, the black eyes slightly raised, the eyes narrow and long, the whole person was like a beautiful boy who came out of the comics.

The convex shape is not wrong, but the sales aunt behind is not buying at all, and she listens to her extremely impatient opening: "Kid stand far away, you block the person behind and scan the QR code."

Lu Xiao: "..."

Su Su looked at the scene in front of her and inexplicably felt a little funny, her lips slightly curled.

This social brother doesn't seem to be very smart.

Su Su took two ice creams and waited for Lu Xiao's account to be posted. The two went out to the kiosk together.

Faintly heard the gossip of strange students behind him.

"That little brother was so handsome just now!"

"Do not hide from you, I can eat two bowls of rice in front of his handsome face!"

"And the way he laughed just now, it feels so good and bad, oh, oh, I loved it..."

"The little classmate beside him looks good, but I think the boy is so familiar and always feels like I have seen it somewhere..."

Su Su heard the nerds of those classmates, her lips twitched slightly, and felt that this brick-moving brother was poor, but it was not without merit. , Relying on the handsome face of the handsome dead man can also gently into the million.

Thinking this way, she sighed softly.

Lu Xiao frowned, and squinted at her, "What's the sigh?"

It's really Su Su's face is too immature, even if she went to university, she can't make her equal to adults.

Su Su had an ice cream in her hand, and it was inconvenient to tear the lid. She had to bite the lid off with her mouth and licked a bite of strawberry-flavored ice cream. She smiled and said, "Nothing. I just think some people are too lucky. You can lie on your face and win."

Lu Xiao didn't pay attention to the girl's mouth. At this time, his whole body's attention fell on her mouth. Since she was biting with her mouth, there was inevitably a little milk on the lips, but the little girl followed It doesn't feel like it's like eating alone.

He was disgusted in his heart and spit out: "Isn't it just an ice cream, you eat all your faces, look at your soil..." Lu Xiao said, he wanted to take the ice cream intact on the other hand of the girl, but didn't want to After dragging for a long time, he just couldn't pull it out of the opponent's hand.

Lu Xiao was a little stunned, watching her frown: "How do I eat if you hold so tight?"

As soon as these words came out, I saw the girl's head raised in an instant, with a deep doubt in his eyes: "What do you eat?"

"Strawberry and matcha are both my favorite flavors. Shouldn't you be so stingy at the same table... Will you just buy me an ice cream?"

When the little girl said at the end, the tail was upturned, and it seemed that she really couldn't understand the extreme.

Lu Xiao: "..." This f*ck is a little white-eyed wolf.

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