130. I really like him.

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The counselor's office has a large space, and there are other teachers working in it. Su Su took a look and then looked away.

Su Su didn't panic when the counselor was looking for her. She had studied well and had a clever face that could kill everyone. With her years of experience in school, few teachers would dislike her.

Liu Zhendong looked at the pure and white students in front of him. He regretted how outstanding Su Su was. How could such a good seedling be so unimaginable, he was mingled with the unlearned students like Lu Xiao!

Thinking about this, he said, "Student Su, do you know why I called you over this time?"

Su Su shook her head honestly, it couldn't be because she had been with Lu Xiao.

This is not a high school. Counselors can't even take care of such things, right?

As soon as I thought about it, I heard Liu Zhendong speak Shen Shen, "I was in school recently and heard the rumors between you and Lu Xiao, is this true?"

Su Su: "..."

She glanced at Liu Zhendong's face. He was already white and inconspicuous. His face sank and looked darker. She trembled and said, "Teacher, it's not illegal to fall in love in college?"

Liu Zhendong: "..."

He was a little speechless for a while, picked up the warm water on the table and took a sip to relieve his breath. He spoke earnestly and taught: "Then you may not know much about Lu Xiao. This student, he was the top student in science. The famous person came in, but you can see what he is like now. He doesn't learn and skip class every day. Although some college courses can be learned or not, you can't be like him without learning anything! Such a student, What will be the future when I leave society?"

"Student Su, the teacher knows that you are a good boy. The teacher is not qualified to administer things between you and him. He just wants to remind you that you need to know how to score and don't fall into it. The college time has been so many years. I will regret it in the future..."

Su Su pursed his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Although she knew that the counselor was telling the truth, she was not comfortable, and people other than her pointed to Lu Xiao.

She asked softly, "Teacher Liu, do you know why classmate Lu hates studying so much?"

Hearing this, Liu Zhendong was dull for a moment, thinking of what other teachers had said before, frowned and said: "I heard that I want to play e-sports, but that industry is so easy to enter. It is a good thing to win glory for the country. As a human being, we must first know how good we are, right?"

The more he talked, the more frustrated he became. No teacher wanted to watch the students fall. If Lu Xiao didn't want to be a good college student, he would have a good future. Besides, Lu Xiao is not the dark horse in the circle. , Do not weigh their own level.

Su Su heard this and felt that she had touched something vaguely, but there was too little information, and she couldn't figure it out accurately for a while, so she didn't want to think about it. She curled her lips and smiled and said to Liu Zhendong very seriously: "Teacher, I don't think that classmate Lu Xiao is as unbearable as it is said by the outside world."

Lu Xiao, who had just walked out of the office, heard the girl's words when he was about to go in. He paused slightly before subconsciously stopping.

Liu Zhendong frowned, and before he could speak, he heard the girl speak again.

"Although I don't know why he doesn't study, I personally think that learning is not a criterion for judging a person's good or bad. The more important thing about being a person is morality. He helped me and my roommate to run away punks more than once, but he He never cares about rewards. He will never give people a chance to imagine the female classmates he doesn't like, but sometimes he is very soft-hearted. I am unhappy when I encounter things no matter how small. He will comfort me in his way, and he is also very good at sports. Maybe Lu Xiao just didn't choose the right major...Teacher, please don't treat him with prejudice. The students also...really like him."

It's really hard to dislike the awkward teenager who will be red-eared if she is kissed.

Liu Zhendong: "..." He came to educate Su Su. What's wrong with this feeling of being unknowingly eating dog food?

The foot that Lu Xiao had just stepped into the office quickly retracted. He stepped out of the door and stood on the corridor opposite the office.

He touched his chest, his heartbeat was faster than ever before, and his heart was messy for a while, and there was a sense of indescribable complexity.

Lu Xiao never knew that in Su Su's eyes, he would be such a good boy. If it weren't for a girl who mentioned his name, he might think she was talking about someone else.

Moreover, she also said that she likes him...

It's the kind I like very much.

Fuck, it's damned.

Lu Xiao touched the root of his ears and leaned his head forward. His face was a little hot and his ears were a little hot. The wind was strong in the corridor, just enough to make him blow.

When Su Su came out of the office, I saw the young man lying on the railing in the corridor, his neck stretched forward, and I didn't know whether he wanted to jump off the building or freeze to death, how he looked like a fool.

The corners of her lips twitched slightly, and she stepped forward to pull the corners of his clothes, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Then she noticed that the boy's body stiffened suspiciously for a moment, and soon returned to normal.

Lu Xiao turned his head abruptly, didn't dare to look at the girl next to him, and coughed slightly, "It's nothing, wait until you're a little bored, just let your head out and blow the air."

Su Su: "..." This guy is so young, how can he be stupid.

Lu Xiao suddenly heard the girl's words not to confess, but to confess, the next floor was used to float, his footsteps were swaying, and he laughed from time to time.

Su Su really couldn't accept the fact that her boyfriend was a silly roe deer, and finally couldn't bear it, stopped and looked directly at the other person: "Student Lu, what are you laughing at?"

I don't know what's funny, and I can't tell her to follow her together.

Lu Xiao lowered his eyes and looked at the girl glaring at him in front of him. The breeze blew the broken hair on her forehead, how vivid and cute she looked.

He did not speak, hooked her little shoulder, and led the person to the hallway under the stairs.

A young man who has never experienced a love affair can not withstand his girlfriend's so much teasing. He is even more so, staring at her deeply.

Su Su had never seen him show such eyes, with a little oppression, as if the innocent young man disappeared in a blink of an eye, becoming a somewhat dangerous man with aggression.

Before she could react, the butt was lifted up by the other party. Su Su's eyes opened slightly, and he lifted his face uncontrollably. In the next second, the boy's lips came up.

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