118. Big Brother, He is here .

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The basketball teams of the two departments played in the arena. This kind of activity that can be expected at a glance made the students very interested. The ball game has not yet started, and the audience is full.

A lot of people from the finance class also came this time. Su Su, Lu Yao and others just entered the venue. What they saw was the crowded crowd when they looked up. The three or five female students next to them were excitedly discussing, "Have you heard that? There is also a school bully who came to play the basketball game this time!"

"I've heard it a long time ago, otherwise how could we not get the front row position!"

"Yunru, which department do you think will win?"

"Hey, what do you care about so much, as long as the school boss is handsome, it will be done!"


Lu Yao snorted and poked the small roommate next to him on the shoulder: "Susu, I guess most of the classmates in the audience are here for Brother Xiao's appearance!"

The classmates next to him talked endlessly. Almost every sentence was about Lu Xiao. Su Su nodded in agreement, "Yaoyao, Aqing, let's find a seat first."

Luo Qing took advantage of the time when the two roommates were talking, and already scanned the auditorium. Except for the empty seats in the row of basketball players, the other positions were already full.

She spread her hands, her voice helpless: "Look up and see for yourself, there is no place."

The three people walked a big circle around the auditorium, but still couldn't find a vacant seat. Su Su was a little depressed, and was about to say otherwise. Let's go back. I saw a few seats on the side. It's three.

Su Su's eyes lit up in an instant, and he pulled the hands of his roommates, and said anxiously, "A Qing, Yaoyao, there is a seat over there!"

Lu Yao also had a look on her face, and she dragged her roommates and rushed in, "What are you waiting for? Go grab it!"

The three people kicked and kicked, and finally squeezed in. As soon as Su Su sat down, before he could catch his breath, he heard a female voice above his head: "Do you know how to cultivate? Others have already taken it up. Come to grab the position?"

Her name is Liu Yue and she is the cheerleader.

Su Su heard the voice and raised their heads together. They saw a girl in a miniskirt with her arms around her chest and an angry expression on her face.

Not long after speaking, the other two girls ran over carrying bags, which contained towels and mineral water.

The three girls are like sisters, all dressed in the same dress, but the person who spoke just now is obviously more outdated.

A female classmate nearby might not bear to watch them have a dispute, so she reminded in a low voice: "Classmates, the three of them are school cheerleaders."

Upon hearing this, Lu Yao became angry and said loudly, "What's wrong with the cheerleading team, should the cheerleading team be better than others? We are still in the same class as the school bully!"

When the female classmate heard this, she smiled weirdly and said nothing.

Liu Yue raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard it, and laughed: "There are too many people in Lu Xiao's class. I'm afraid he won't be able to call you three names?"

I forgot to mention that she is also one of Lu Xiao's admirers. Because she is the cheerleader, she often mixes her face and delivers water when Lu Xiao plays ball, but her face is mixed, but this water is never delivered. Went out.

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