22. Little champion she loves acting

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Liu Zhendong is not only a counselor, he is also a teacher of the General Department of Finance.

At the end of a class, seeing Su Su and Lu Xiao lingering back, they couldn't help but feel an old father-like worry.

Lu Xiao 's stinky boy would n't beat Su Su 's classmates, otherwise it 's been more than half an hour, and there 's no news!

The more I worried, the more I explained to Wang Rongming, and decided to go to the Internet cafe to personally capture Lu Xiao 's uneasy stinky kid!

But when he arrived at the internet cafe, what a shocking scene he saw!

I saw his little champion baby bumps sitting side by side with a bad boy. The screen in front of the two people was synchronously bright, and the small champion screamed from time to time.

"Ahhhhh! At the same table I finally killed someone !!!" Su Su's excited face flushed.

Lu Xiao said lightly and disgusted: "It's just a personal head, look at your dirt dumplings."

Liu Zhendong: "..."

His face flushed with anger, and even his fingers were trembling. Chen Guang stopped at the door, but still did not stop Liu Zhendong. Seeing that Lu Xiao and his sister were still playing there, they were anxious and shouted: " A Xiao, your counselor is here !!! "

His voice was so bright that he could hear it clearly even with headphones.

Lu Xiao took the side dish to the safe area at this moment, and was only one step away from eating chicken. After hearing this, he responded impatiently: "Your counselor is here!"

"Chen Guang, can you tell a joke, can you tell me? My counselor doesn't teach in the Internet cafe to play games? Who am I doing!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Lu Xiao realized that something was wrong. The counselor would not come to the Internet cafe to play games, but there was a possibility ...

Su Su also thought of another possibility, his lips stiffened, and he turned back tremblingly.

Liu Zhendong is a Chinese character face, and when smiling, he is gentle and full of justice. Su Su just saw his first face, and she felt that her instructor was really a reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, and she looked very kind and kind, but she never knew. The kind and friendly old Liu will also show such a scary expression.

A Chinese character with a black face is not ridiculous, it is not like a bodhisattva at this time, it is obviously Bao Gong's reincarnation!

Most of the people who come to the Internet cafes to play games are nearby students. There are few who are not afraid of the instructor. Even if Liu Zhendong is not the teacher of their class, one by one sees the cat like a mouse.

Even the stubborn swearing and sulky Internet addicted boy caught his tail.

Liu Zhendong strode forward, looked at the two of them, and finally put his eyes on Su Su.

He opened his mouth in distress: "Su Su, you really disappoint me!"

"I let you come to the Internet cafe to catch Lu Xiao back, so you did this? !!!"

With that, he glared fiercely at Lu Xiao next to him. This kid was really a scourge. It took less than a day to skew his little champion! ! !

Liu Zhendong's face flushed and his neck was thick.

No matter where he went, Su Su was praised for being clever and sensible. Why was he criticized by his teacher?

Her eyelashes shook and her voice trembled: "Teacher, I ... I can actually explain it."

Liu Zhendong gasped, "I see it clearly, what else can I explain ?!"

Su Su pursed her lips and looked at Lu Xiao with guilt.

How can a good student like her join hands with school bullies?

Before Lu Xiao had time to think about the meaning in the girl's eyes, he listened to the other person's soft voice, and the wind blew like a dissipated voice ringing in his ear.

"Teacher, I came to the school today the first day. I didn't know much about Lu's temper ... I told him to go back. Not only did he not listen, but he didn't expect, he also said ..."

"What else to say?" Liu Zhendong shouted loudly.

Just like Ying Jing, Su Su 's small shoulder shook with red eyes and said: "Classmate Lu said that the game will not go back without ending. He has to force me to play with him. If I do n't follow, he ... He will hit me ... "

Lu Xiao: "...

Lu Xiao: "...

Lu Xiao: "...

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