25. What a smile

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Lu Xiao copied the rough outline for two days, his head buzzing.

When he went to bed at night, he had a dream. In the dream, all the students in the class changed their appearance.

The classmates all wrote the core values ​​of socialism and eight honors and eight disgraces. After he saw it, he ran desperately. When he finally ran out of the campus, he found that even the bus stopped on the road. It was made with people-centered guiding ideology!

Innovations are written on the glass on the left of the bus, and coordination is written on the glass on the right.

Lu Xiao thought of his dream last night, his face faintly greenish, which is probably the so-called party in his heart and heaven everywhere.

His happiness was almost floating in heaven.

Su Su turned around and saw Lu Xiao like this. The boy dangled his eyelids, and the broken hair on his forehead gently rested on his eyebrows, his face was feeble.

Su Su felt that her last life was probably a fairy change, and she always couldn't see how others were doing badly. The social brother had been languishing for two days, and it looked really unbearable.

But she really didn't want to copy the rough outline. Those dense words, which were frightening at first glance, made Su Su decide to compromise.

Write a review for the other party.

"Student Lu, please take a break, review me ... I'll write it for you." She touched her arm with her elbow and whispered.

Lu Xiao raised his eyelids and heard an unidentified chuckle: "I'm so miserable, it's not your fault."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw my little fellow's table and immediately turned white, and said in the tone that was about to cry: "Classmate Lu, really ... I'm really sorry, I was so scared at that time, I have never seen it in my life The fierce teacher ... I did n't mean it that day ... "

Lu Xiao: "..."

"All right," he said.

After this day, Lu Xiao always thought that he had a cheap problem, and he couldn't see a woman crying, but later he discovered that he didn't see a woman crying, but Su Su crying.

A University is rated as the most beautiful campus in a city. In addition to the environmental facilities in place, it is also inseparable from the school's student lake. Rows of willows are planted next to the lake, which is probably the reason for the heat. The willow branches hang lazily on both sides of the lake. The clear and bottomless student lake skipped the reflection of the willow branches. Great venue for small couples.

In physical education class, Lu Xiao and others finished the ball and wanted to go to the lake for a cool, they saw two people standing on the sidewalk of Xuezi Lake.

The man was tall and the girl was thin. The boy didn't know what to say, but the girl waved her hand slightly, her face looked ashamed.

"Brother Xiao, does that little girl often do the same with you at the same table?" Yuan Xin grinned.

Xu Zhiyang turned the basketball under his feet and accepted the words: "Not only at the same table, you didn't listen to Ayu that day, I think I will change my name to call my sister-in-law in two days."

The boys love muddy water in one place, and their wives hate those words, but they are just Xu Zhiyang's jokes. When they laugh, they pass away, and no one cares.

Chen Yu laughed and teased: "A Xiao, someone wants to abduct your wife, do you care or not?"

This group of roommates was really damaged, Lu Xiao instantly blacked his face, kicked his feet towards Chen Yu's butt, and warned, "Don't yell."

Chen Yu whispered while covering her butt: "Lu Xiao, you are not fair! It is clearly the head of those two goods !!!"

Lu Xiao ignored him, and looked at the girl who smiled sweetly not far from him. The peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes flicked a mood called uncomfortable.

What a laugh, ugly dead.

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