20. Old hats

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He is very clear about the class of students in the class. Lu Xiao can be quite sure that they do n't have the courage to sue, so how did Lao Liu know?

Li Xiaochun's phrase "kill and kill" soon flashed into Su Su's mind, and her body shook uncontrollably.

Su Su stood a little tired and a little flustered. She moved her legs and leaned back slightly on the computer chair next to her. She cleared her throat and tried to make her tone sound calm: "Student Lu, one week of school Is this the first time you have come to an internet cafe? "

Lu Xiao frowned: "Three or four times."

Su Su thought that the kid really regarded the Internet cafe as a home, but his tone was very sincere: "Then do you need to ask? The counselor will know you are in the Internet cafe as soon as you see you are not in the class!"

Lu Xiao: "..." I always feel that something is wrong, but after listening to the analysis of the little dwarf, I think it still makes sense.

He raised his eyelids and said slowly: "Want me to go with you?"

Su Su nodded busy.

Then I heard the young man owe me a lot: "I'm afraid it won't work. I'm not over yet."

Su Su: "..." It's rare to be a man who can hit Lu Xiao's part.

She almost tilted her lips and said aloud: "Student Lu, skipping class is an extremely bad behavior. Furthermore, I also know a little bit about the situation in your home. You move bricks so hard every day. This money is spent in games Do n't you think it 's wasteful? "

The smile on Lu Xiao's lips slowly disappeared at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the dark eyes were dark and heavy: "Don't talk nonsense, I will fight back two more times and go back."

She was so nagging again that he would get angry sooner or later.

Su Su pursed her lips: "But ... the counselor told me to take you back ..."

She said, glancing at the screen, and bright red words appeared in front of her.

"Good luck, eat chicken at night!"

I don't know what the game is, it looks funny.

Lu Xiao took a deep breath, "He didn't say when should I go back? In this way, I will take you to play two, and after the game I will go with you. Do you think it will work?"

If the other party nags him again, Lu Xiao doesn't know if he will beat the girl.

Su Su's eyes lit up, but hesitantly said: "Then ... that's okay."

A girl who originally came to the Internet cafe to catch people back to school, under the guidance of the social brother, dangled into the game page.

The six gods don't recognize the owl god with headphones.

"Jedi Survival" is the most popular tactical competitive shooting sandbox game now. Players need to collect guns, medical and other resources on the game map. The safe area will become smaller and smaller as the game progresses, and the battle will become more intense as the game progresses. Players who survive to the end will eat chicken.

Su Su apparently didn't have these concepts. When he put on the headphones, the teenager's deep voice rang in his ears: "Follow me, don't run around."

His voice was low and hoarse, and it was very nice. There was no trace of noise coming from the headphones. Su Su's eardrums shook and Su was almost unconscious.

She coughed and whispered: "Student Lu, I'm on the plane now ... wow! There is a parachute!"

What I didn't know was that she was about to parachute herself.

Because Lu Xiao was playing on live broadcast, Su Su's voice also followed into the live broadcast room, she didn't know anything about it.

Lu Xiao looked sideways and glanced at the little girl next to her. Her eyes were round, her long eyelashes blinked, and she stared straight at the computer screen. Every move was inexplicably attractive.

Lu Xiao withdrew his gaze and scolded Tu Lao Hat.

The corners of lips are unconsciously bent.

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