85. Lu Xiao, Carry Me On Your Back.

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After Shen Chen entered the station, the three talented people ended their conversation with each other.

In summer, the days are long. Even at six or seven o'clock, the sky still remains dark. I have taken the car too many times today. Su Su didn't really want to sit at the moment, so the two of them swayed along the asphalt road. Wandering back.

Less than twenty minutes after he left, Lu Xiao spoke no less than five times.

"Sister Su, do you eat candied chestnuts?"

"I don't really want to eat it."

"Sister Su, do you have fried chicken legs?"

"......Not hungry yet."

"Sister Su, do you drink yogurt?"


Su Su finally couldn't help it, and turned around and said angrily, "Student Lu, can you not call me like that?"

What Sumei, her scalp is numb.

Lu Xiao calmly changed his words: "Su Bao'er."

Su Su: "..."

Lu Xiao's call like this is actually based on his elder brothers. What's more, he is no worse than Shen Chen. Why can the other party be called his nickname intimately, and when he is here, he is the cold classmate Lu, classmate Su?

Su Suyu's face turned red, and it was quite normal when the fat group called, but for some reason, her nickname became strange when it came to Lu Xiao's mouth.

I always feel that it reveals an impropriety.

Thinking of this, Su Su raised his head and glanced at him.

Lu Xiao put one hand in his pocket and said lazily, "Look at what I do?"

Su Su's phrase "Do you like me a little bit" came to his lips, but he still didn't dare to ask.

This can't be blamed on Su Su's timidity. The main reason is that classmate Lu's mouth is too poisonous. Opening her mouth means "I have no interest in a short female classmate like you who is almost recessed in the ground". Will he be humiliated severely?

Thinking of this, Su Su couldn't help but think of the male anchor's good coming. Once he brushed through the clouds and arrows, he opened his mouth and sang a small song. He also said that he would sing eighteen touches for her, which was really ashamed.

Lu Xiao just watched the girl's face change color back and forth, not knowing what she thought of again, her cheeks rose with a blush, her apricot eyes gleamed, like a little fox who had only stolen the fishy.

Lu Xiao: "..."

He rubbed his brow bones with a headache: "Su Su, who do you like again?"

Lu Xiao felt that he, as an older brother, really broke his heart all day long.

After finally solving the male anchor, there is another brother Zhuma. After he gave his life to ride the roller coaster, he finally sent him away. This girl, who the hell did he fancy?

"I don't like anyone, I just thought of the past." Su Su said quickly.

I promised Lu Xiao not to pay attention to the male anchor anymore. If you let him know that she was jumping back and forth between the male anchor and him, she would probably use a whip to kill her, right?

That's not okay, I can't say that I'm killed.

Student Lu didn't know if he believed it, he could not see any emotions on his face, and he did not speak.

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