167. He will be Su Su's person from now on.

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The young man was so close to her, as if he was covered with his breath, hot and sultry.

Su Su's eyes rounded.


Is that what she understood?

The boyfriend suddenly got through the six channels of Ren Du, Niubi!

She blushed, pretending to be shy: "Student Lu, how can this be a gift..."

Lu Xiao lowered his eyes slightly and looked down. He watched the little girl's cheeks become rosy because of her shyness, her lips raised a smile, and her voice was lazy: "Because in the eyes of Student Lu, the most precious gift is Student Su."

As he said, he pulled his collar to reveal his slender neck, and moved closer to her.

Su Su listened to his words, his heartbeat missed a beat.

She stared at the fat sheep who was sent to the door, oh no, the boy who was sent to the door bit his lip slightly: "Brother, I have no experience in this area. If you hurt you later, don't blame me..."

She is inexperienced and nothing. If Lu Xiao has experience, he will be furious. He nodded and expressed his understanding: "Come on, brother can bear it."

Su Su had never done anything like this before. When the teenager said that, her heart was itchy. He took a deep breath, wrapped his arms around his neck, and buried him.

The neck is the most vulnerable and sensitive part of a person. The moment the girl leaned up, Lu Xiao's whole body froze.

The little girl's lips were very soft, she kissed him on the neck without any tricks, and then she applied a little bit of force, it didn't hurt, and it was so crisp, Lu Xiao's brain slowed for a moment as she felt the temperature from her neck.

Once school is over, the classmates are like Sa Huan's rabbits, one by one disappearing. Only him and Su Su were left in the whole classroom. At this moment, there seemed to be no sound around them, and everything was quiet.

Obviously only a minute later, as if time has stretched, Su Su let go of him and looked at the conspicuous red mark on the boy's neck. Thinking of her indulge just now, the end of her eyes couldn't help but flushed, and she went back slightly panicked. Leaning against the wall, he squatted and said, "I, I want to go back to the dormitory."

No matter how much I watched, after all, she was just a little girl with no actual combat experience. Su Su couldn't believe that she did it.

Kissed for a full minute.

A certain girl with more eyes than a sieve shrank herself into a ball, as if it didn't exist.

The black demon in his heart jumped out again, slapped her forehead hard, and sneered: "Woman, stop pretending, I have already seen your innocent appearance. See through your essence!"

"Sexy girl, what a weak little white flower!"


Lu Xiao used his fingertips to gently traverse the place where the girl's lips touched him. The fingertips were cold, as if he could still feel the residual heat on them. He lowered his eyes and looked at the little girl shyly shrinking herself into a ball. , Did not hold back, smiled lowly.

"This time...you really turned into a small mushroom."

Su Su glared at him, this person's skill has increased greatly recently, so shameless!

Lu Xiao's face was a little hot when she saw her, and he rubbed a handful of the girl's hair to pretend to be calm. He lazily said, "After stamping, Lu Xiao will be Su Su's person in the future."

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