61. Su Su she's in love

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After entering the finals, grenades are obviously more useful than burning bottles.

There was a moment of silence in the live broadcast room, and then fans were frantically brushing the screen.

{Ahhh, my husband is doing a good job! }

{It's cheaper to kill such a dog woman with a burning bottle! }

{It's true that I can kill ten teammates like this one at a time. }


After solving the teammates with abnormal brains, Lu Xiao played more stable with the other two teammates.

The circle is getting smaller and smaller, and the sound effects in the game are getting more and more tense.

Lu Xiao stared at the computer screen and listened to the slight footsteps in his ears. His eyes moved slightly, and he slightly pressed the gun with the mouse. A blast shot across the opposite side successfully killed the last team.

The interface seemed to freeze, and a few seconds later, a large line of characters popped out.

"Good luck, eat chicken at night!"

{This chicken is too difficult to eat! }

{People must have that kind of anti-killing teammates at the most critical moment! }

{Anchor you are much softer than me at the same table! ! ! His voice is as good as yours, but his temper is so stinky! The anchor anchor watched it, I will brush you through the cloud arrows, will you sing a small song with me, OK? }

Lu Xiaogang just lowered his eyes and saw the content sent by Qian Duo's brother. His lips twitched slightly. What's wrong with this year? Even the little idiot forced him to sing, even fans came here.

He rubbed his lips and said with a bad heart, "Brush, as long as you dare to brush, whether it's a baby or an eighteen touch, I will sing to you."

The barrage was suddenly sour.

{This man named Qian Duo is also very concerned about Bo, and her husband has spoken to him twice! }

{Who doesn't play tricks? I have the ability to brush a cloud arrow, and I respect you as a man! /sneer}

{Uhhhhhhhh, people like him with swollen faces and fat people have gone online, and the old lady sees them scolding once! }

{However, if God really wants to sing, then I still look forward to it...}

Lu Xiao frowned slightly, and was originally a joke. Seeing that the fans were talking more and more outrageous, they were about to restrain two sentences, and a gleaming light rushed straight up from the bottom of the computer screen. This is not finished. , The screen is like a fire, a red arrow of clouds flashing in front of the live broadcast room.

{Nothing more is more money to send a cloud-piercing arrow, the system randomly drops 1000 bucket coins! }

{Nothing more is more money to send a cloud-piercing arrow, the system randomly drops 1000 bucket coins! }

{Nothing more is more money: I have ordered so many times, my hands are sour, oh, I've finished the anchor, you sing me! ! ! }


A bucket of 28,888 coins, a total of RMB 2,888, is a bucket of fighting birds. The money has been brushed for a full of ten, and it should be 30,000 yuan less.

On the barrage, the fans who were scolding for more money were dull, and their faces seemed to be swollen, and the pain was burning.

The scene was quiet for a few seconds, and then the screen was frantically swiped again.

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