113. Call me husband.

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Chen Yu and Yuan Xin on the side looked at each other at the same time.

Feeling Xiaoye is jealous.

Su Su put down the meat stick and said in a low voice, "Is it necessary to pay attention to seats when eating with classmates?"

The seats at the dinner table are usually made by adults.

Lu Xiao has always considered himself a decent person, and a decent college student like him can't say that I don't want to see you sitting with other boys. If you want to sit next to Lao Tzu, if you can sit on your lap, then Isn't it better?

He pointed to the seat next to Xu Zhiyang, and said with a cold face, "These three of my roommates are not good things. It is not safe for you to sit with them."

Chen Yu and Yuan Xin who are not good things: "???"

Even if you have a low EQ, don't take such an attack on your roommate.

Su Su didn't want to make trouble because of such a trivial matter. Besides, apart from the teenager's prank, she got her ass pierced. She was really moved before that, so she just listened to Lu Xiao and sat down with him. next to.

Lu Xiao was barely satisfied.

When Xu Zhiyang came back and saw the seat change, he didn't think much about it. In his eyes, the two will be together sooner or later, but Master Xiao has a low EQ. Can he catch up before graduation?

The group of people ate and drank, taking advantage of the noise, Lu Xiao turned his face and looked at the girl who was eating obediently. Thinking of what he did just now, the more he regretted it, the more he regretted it, so he couldn't help feeding her.

"Sister Su, this grilled fish is good."

"Chicken wings are also good."

"I think you like lamb skewers."


In a short while, Su Su's small plates were full of various birds, and the corners of her lips twitched slightly.

Is this a way of apologizing belongs to the social brother?

I have to say it is quite unique.

Halfway through the meal, Xu Zhiyang remembered the chaos before and said to Lu Xiao, "Brother Xiao, what's the matter with Su Su in the afternoon when Lao Liu asks you?"

You won't find that the two are about to start a relationship, right?

But this is not possible. The university has even married classmates, so the counselors are not so boring to take care of these nosy matters.

Lu Xiao's face faded: "Wang Qianqian told the counselor about the matter before."

"Fuck?!" Xu Zhiyang was shocked, "Isn't she the first person she asked to teach her little sister-in-law? Why did she complain with such a big face?"

Chen Yu and the others were also speechless for a while, and it seemed that they had truly complied with what Xiaoye had said. This Wang Qianqian is not only a love mind, but also unclear.

At this moment, the girl's soft voice sounded: "Who is the sister-in-law?"

The corners of Xu Zhiyang's lips froze instantly, and he looked at Lu Xiao almost as if he was asking for help.

I usually get used to shouting in private, and I missed it by accident!

Lu Xiao lowered his eyes and looked at the girl with wide eyes waiting to answer. He smiled lowly and deliberately brought a little bit of nasty fun: "Who do you think it will be?"

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