88. Warning about falling horses.

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After Lu Xiao returned, he carefully traced the acquaintance between him and Su Su in his heart.

One card, one hundred thousand yuan.

When I met for the first time, what kind of "I will take care of you" and "You will be my boyfriend" just open your mouth.

From Su Su, Lu Xiao learned that a good girl is not only good at writing and reading, she will also keep up with the development of the times and thrive.

The male anchor has been killed by him, and Brother Zhuma has gone away, and he does not know what demons and ghosts will usher in next.

Lu Xiao thought of this and sighed at Ms. Gu, who was chasing melon seeds and chasing drama in the living room, "Mom, why don't you and my dad have a second child? If I have a sister, I will definitely teach her to be cute and cute."

Of those bad men with bad intentions, Lu Xiao can drive away ten at a time.

Lu Xiao thought with a smile on his face.

Gu Lanyu heard this and looked at him incredulously: "Son, do you have any misunderstandings about yourself?"

She paused, then sneered again: "I ask what do you teach? Is it to use your final grades that you must pass on every exam, or to use your ability to skip class and overturn the wall?"

"Just like you, I can't wait to go back and remake."

Under the education of Brother Lu, a new generation of social girls turned out.

Lu Xiao: "..."

He didn't really want to recognize this mother.

The nanny brought the food to the table, and the family sat around the table. Their Lu family never talked about food or sleep. They only had to be lively to be popular.

As soon as Lu Xiao picked up the bowls and chopsticks, he heard Lu Denan say angrily: "Smelly boy, I remember your school was closed yesterday, why didn't you go home?"

The old gentleman had obviously forgotten how he took the crutches that day and kicked him out of the house while beating and cursing.

There was rain that day, a downpour.

Lu Xiao glanced at him faintly: "Grandpa, I feel cold."

"Smelly boy, speak up!" Lu Denan gave his grandson a majestic look.

Lu Qingyun took a piece of her favorite fried pork with his wife, with a gentle voice: "Blue, eat more."

Gu Lanyu's sweet smile formed a sharp contrast with the violent storm on the side of his grandson and grandson.

Lu Xiao: "..."

In fact, he didn't really want to recognize this family.

When he went upstairs in the evening, the agent sent a message to remind him not to forget to broadcast live, which was more punctual than China Mobile.

But he did not play for a while, so he went back to the house and turned on the computer.

Online and reality are two worlds. When you are bored, you can also play with fans to relieve their boredom.

Lu Xiao went online this time mainly to interact with fans. After playing the game twice, he was very casual. He would reply to two comments when he saw interesting comments.

{I feel that my husband is in a good mood today! }

{Plus one, at the age of God King, maybe he has a girlfriend? }

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