66. It's too hard for our little people

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Police station, interrogation room.

The owner of the barbecue shop started crying and wiped tears as soon as he went in. "Uncle policeman, do you say it's easy for our little people to do a business? I sell mutton skewers well. This group of people started fighting if they didn't agree. Even if my shop was smashed, my guests ran away because of them, you said that our little people are not difficult..."

The entire interrogation room was filled with complaints from the shop owner, and the miserable look of being oppressed by the bully was unbearable.

Lu Xiao stood by the side, one-handed in his pockets, and calmly uttered to the police: "Buddy, his name is Zhang Xiaojian. He sells kebab fried skewers at the school entrance in the morning and beer kebab at the store in the evening. I have seen him by passing, and I have seen him from high school in high school. When I came to large school, he still sells kebab lamb skewers perseveringly. According to reliable rumor, this little common man has made unremitting efforts. The family now has six suites with an annual income of more than 2 million. The eldest son is studying in London, and the youngest daughter went to xg beauty pageant."

Several policemen: "..."

Seven or eight gangsters: "..."

Su Su and others: "..."

Let's switch to being ordinary people, what kind of police do you want to mix with college students? Selling a kebab is faster than they can get money.

The policeman sullen his face and glanced at the shop owner: "The stall is an unlicensed operation, don't you know?"

Zhang Xiaojian's legs tremble with fright. "Uncle policeman, don't listen to that kid talking nonsense. Besides, this time I am the victim!"

The policeman's face was deeper, and he said angrily: "I am younger than you, what is my uncle!"

He just turned right this year and was only 28 years old. The owner of this shop looks like he is 40 or 50 years old. They are all people who can be his father.

Su Su shook his small shoulder and tried to hold back a smile, but there was a gangster who couldn't hold it back, hahahaha laughed out loud.

The policeman's eyes shot at him like a knife: "Are you very happy to come to the police station?"

The bastard immediately dropped his face after listening to it, "No, not happy..."

"So what are you laughing at?" the policeman asked.

One face suffocated into pig liver color, and after a while, he spit out a sentence: "Our boss was beaten by someone. I couldn't help laughing when I was so sad, I, I..."

"Uncle police, we have been beaten so badly, you have to decide for us..."

To return to the truth, the police patted the table vigorously, "No loud noise is allowed in the interrogation room."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Lu Xiao who was standing aside. From what he said just now, he came to the conclusion that this kid was a reliable speaker, so he said, "You first talk about what happened."

Lu Xiao didn't panic at all, his tone was plain and plain: "More than nine o'clock, I came out with a few roommates to eat kebabs, and I saw these seven or eight bastards trying to misbehave our classmates."

He talked about this, and after a slight meal, Su Su said in a special way, and began to cry when his lips collapsed: "Brother of the police, I came out with Yaoyao to buy food, and these people stopped us. He also said that if we dare to resist, on......"

The little girl seemed to be unable to speak anymore, shivering with a trembling shoulder.

In the eyes of the police, a little girl could not bear it. The little girl was more sensible than the shopkeeper and knew that she was called brother.

Lu Xiao took the policeman's look into his eyes and continued to say: "Whether it is out of benevolence or classmate love, my roommates and I can't see death, and only then stopped them a little bit."

Hearing this, the big man pointed at the blue and purple on his face and shouted angrily, "This is also called a little stop?"

"Laozi's face is broken by you!"

Lu Xiao glanced at him, his eyes calm but people couldn't help but feel stunned.

The humiliation of the big man changed his mouth: "My face has been broken by you."

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