11. Start school

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A University, as the most famous university in the country, even in a city with a lot of money, the area is still vast.

The report lasted for two weeks, just to worry that the students in remote areas could not find the organization, so even if Su Su reported a week later, there were still many seniors and elder sisters welcoming the freshmen.

As soon as I arrived at the school gate, I saw many people holding a sign that read: "Welcome students from all over the world to come to University A!"

When Su Su came down from Ferrari, the noise around him suddenly stopped.

She moved her eyebrows slightly and smiled sweetly at Su Su in the car: "Daddy, go back and be busy, I can find the dorm myself."

Su Mutian came down from the car and handed the small suitcase to the girl. The small building was not far from a. It was extremely convenient to go home, but it didn't take too much luggage.

He is wearing a large red short-sleeved shirt, black trousers and a tacky gold chain around his neck. Even the handsome facial features become a little bit against this outfit ... soil, The local tyrant probably came from this.

The most important purpose of his coming to school this time was to make him feel that he was rich. As he expected, he really heard the people around him breathing in cold air.

Su Mutian smiled with satisfaction, and said softly: "Shu Bao'er, since your school is starting military training next week, don't stay at school this week. Go home and see your poor old father."

"Also, don't get tired at school. You don't need to be so tired after finishing the college entrance examination. It doesn't matter if you learn. There are fathers who will raise you for life."

Su Su heard the phrase "old and pitiful old father" lips twitching slightly, but nodded cleverly.

Su Mutian said again: "At a university, we must unite and love with our roommates. It doesn't matter if friendship is not up. My phone number is" 1 "and the police station number is" 2. "

Su Su continued to nod cleverly.

"Dad, you are so nice, I will take good care of myself."

Su Mutian smiled again: "Dad is a daughter, who is not good to you, who is good, then that's it, you go to school, I will go back first. It's fun at school ... ah no, study hard!"

Su Su was very clever, and finally put Su Su into the car.

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard the students around her exploding into a ball.

"Lying trough! What a jealous dad!"

"If my dad told me not to get tired of studying, when my dad raised you for life, I died now without regret!"

"If you have money, you can spoil your daughter. It turns out there is such a dad in the world. I can't help it."


Just ten minutes after Su Su got out of the car, he was famous for his dad's luxury car and sour blind dog face.

With an obedient and harmless face, she went to the big red tent to fill in the form and received the key to the dormitory, and then slowly found the dormitory building along the campus.

A large not only covers a large area, but also has perfect equipment inside.

Among them, two buildings are the most eye-catching. One is the library, which can be seen from the exterior. The other is the red auditorium. It is generally used for various party ceremonies and is surrounded by brown teaching buildings. Next, the red brick on the roof of the red auditorium is particularly eye-catching. There are small lakes sparkling around, and the willow leaves sway lazily with the hot wind. It is worthy of the most beautiful campus in a city.

Most of the female students in the finance department are in Wenyuan, and Su Su was assigned to the second building of Wenyuan.

The dormitory is a standard quadruple room, bed and table, air-conditioning and heating toilet, the environment is also clean, and now the roommates are going to class, the dormitory is empty, Su Su simply packed up the bed, according to the row in the magpie app The curriculum is out of the dormitory.

As soon as I walked into the responsibility classroom of the first class of finance, I heard a man on the podium speaking with a Northeast accent: "I said classmates, how come you are so familiar, this is just starting a week after starting school? Yi Mao, snacks are not allowed in class, give me honestly! "

Yi Yi's classmates grievance and angry put down the snacks in his hand, his name is Yi Mao, not a hair! ! !

"Sushu, our classmate, only came to school today because of her weak constitution. She is the No. 1 champion in city H! A good seedling like classmate Su, or I, Liu Zhendong, with his old face and digging hard to get our finance class You guys have listened to me. If anyone dares to bully Su Su, I will never be lighthearted! "

The counselor in front of him, with a sullen face and a fierce look on his face, everyone who believed that he was asking for debts was believed, and he did not know how he achieved the position of counselor.

Tucao returns to Tucao and gets along with the counselor for a week. He is still very dedicated.

A group of freshmen didn't want to give face, but the attitude of not wanting to cause trouble at the beginning of school just applauded perfunctoryly.

"Teacher speaks well!"

"Let Su Su feel the warmth like spring breeze!"

"Let Su Su feel the tenderness and thoughtfulness of our financial class!"

"Let ..."

The formation was very uniform, and the third one wanted to make it out before they heard it, and heard a soft voice outside the classroom door: "Hello Teacher Liu, I am Su Su."

The freshmen's mouth suddenly jammed, watching Su Su's students stunned and speechless.

In the eyes of the students, the top student in the college entrance examination is either a nerd or an ugly face, but the young girl's facial features are exquisite, oval face, big eyes, and the pupil looks like a Qingquan, the hair is that kind of very soft yellowish brown, and looks smart .

Xu Zhiyang and Li Xiaochun were also stunned. The former surprised a soft girl in the class, and the latter was shocked by what kind of demons and demons in this financial class.

There is a Lu Xiao who is controlled everywhere. This is good, the king is the king, the fuck is the king!

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