48. The social brother whose face value is very resistant

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The two became six people. Fortunately, these two rough guys loved to call the big table no matter where they went to eat, otherwise it was really impossible to sit down.

After several little girls were seated, Xu Zhiyang played his chatty mode again.

"Su Su, where is your home? Why is the accent different from ours?"

"I'm a southerner." It's still the soft tone.

"South, are all the girls in the South as soft as you?"


Seeing Xu Zhiyang speak more and less, Lu Xiao sinked his face and kicked the other party fiercely under the table.

"Do you still want your legs?" The voice was faint, but full of cruelty.

Xu Zhiyang blushed with pain, but it was between Lord Xiao's force against the sky and he could not hold back.

Boys like to talk about a piece of meat when they have nothing to do with each other. In the dormitory, they talked more than this, but why didn't it come to Susu?


Xu Zhiyang cursed and forgot to see what he wanted.

Otherwise, the friendship between the Chinese people starts at the dinner table. Before the meal, Lu Yao and Luo Qing still have a lot of hostility towards Lu Xiao, but this hot pot is eaten, and the hostility and everything are all with empty plates. Was taken away by the waiter.

It seems that rumors will only be rumors, it will never be true.

This classmate Lu Xiao is so handsome, he didn't say that he wasn't robbing them when he was holding vegetables. He was obviously a very good comrade!

"Brother Xiao, do you still go home after eating the hot pot?" Xu Zhiyang asked.

Lu Xiao did not like to eat hot pot and hardly ate food. He squeezed chopsticks and looked at the small table at the front of his mouth, eating a drum and a mouth. His lips twitched with an imperceptible smile and slacked out: "Of course I have to go back."

How annoyed that old man not to go home.

Lu Yao took a bite of the black chicken roll. I have to say that this is really a good restaurant with a good conscience. His black chicken roll combines the sweetness of the black chicken with the fragrance of wild mountain mushrooms. The fragrance is not greasy, and it is simply addictive.

I was busy and asked casually, "Student Lu, did you really go to the construction site to move the bricks?"

Lu Xiao withdrew his gaze and casually yelled.

Lu Yao and Luo Qing breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The brother of the Lu family fell to the construction site to move the bricks. Is this a distortion of human nature or a moral loss?

Brother, you bullshit!

Lu Yao gave a thumbs-up to the other party, and Luo Qing's face also eased, like this kind of teenager who regards his family's money as dung.

It must be said that when Lu Xiao is not a poisonous tongue, Yan Yan is still very resistant.

Su Su heard the teenager's lazy, long-sounding voice, and couldn't help raising his head to look at his handsome silhouette. His eyebrows were very dark, and his narrow and long eyes revealed a sense of laziness.

It is in line with the public's aesthetic appearance.

And also has a voice that makes Su Su fascinated.

Thinking of this, Su Su's thoughts for a long time then began to move.

What if I want to support him?

In the middle of the night, in order to make a living, the social brother had to bear the burden of picking up the "Shadow Flower Shadow", and read it to her in a word with a low-pitched, magnetic voice, such a picture, just thinking about it All blushing and heartbeating.

Lu Xiao received the girl's eyes, and somehow, the back was inexplicably cold.

He frowned, and his eyes fell back to each other again. The little girl blinked her big eyes, her eyes were clear and clean, like a fairy who didn't involve the world.

Therefore, the feeling that it seemed to be taken apart by the other party just now must be an illusion.

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