135. My girlfriend is super small.

205 2 0

The corners of Su Su's lips twitched, the fans this time were so fucking scary.

Manage the air and talk about girlfriends? !

Lu Xiao seemed much calmer to the shock of the agent and the fans. He was originally a technical anchor, but his own witty and humor made the fans gradually lose themselves. Lu Xiao felt that he had to let him They recognize their status.

He lifted the finger of the mouse holding the mouse and pressed the match, and then he spoke without hurries: "I told you a long time ago that I am a serious technical broadcaster. I never play fan games. Leave you as you please. It's impossible for me to stay, and for those fake fans who persuaded me to break up, I suggest going back to brainwashing and registering in the brain department."

At this point, Lu Xiao's expression was a little cold.

It's impossible to break up, it's impossible in this life.

Xiao Mushroom is his girlfriend who has been chasing for so long. Some people still want to persuade him to break up, for fear that he is still alive in his dream.

The fans underneath hadn't started to explode, and the passers-by who climbed in along the heat laughed.

{This anchor is a real pet for petting his girlfriend, and his fans are also merciless! }

{Dare to fan the owl god? The kind of crying and beating money after being scolded. }

{Hahahahahaha I fucking laughed at night and screamed, is it okay to have fans brainwashed? }

{By the way, go to the brain department to register a number again hahahahaha, really such a man! }

Lu Xiao ignored them after speaking, found the parachuting point, and quickly entered the state.

The fans underneath screamed in chaos, and even if they were not comforted by the God of Kings, they were also stunned by the other side, all of their faces were full of capitals.

When I was stunned, I couldn't help but look into the screen. I saw Xiao Shen playing the game undisturbed. The technology is no different from usual. If you have to say something different, the operation is a bit wilder. Xiao Shen loves to play cat-and-mouse games. He shot the enemy whenever he escapes proudly. Today's shots are not so leisurely. One shot and one headshot, wherever he goes, no piece of armor is left.

From time to time, the phone popped up to remind the owl god to kill how many heads, and the sound of bullets rushing, it is simply an excellent spokesperson for ruthlessness.

When the fans saw this, their mood was extremely complicated.

In fact, when they first became a fan of Owl, they were mainly attracted by his technology, and the more they paid attention later, the more they felt that this anchor was a peerless treasure. Even if the technology was awesome, even the sound was so good!

The subwoofer of the owl god has captured countless fans. After a long time, they are about to forget the urination of the owl god, and even one by one is a girlfriend and wife. Today, this basin of ice water completely poured them on. Woke up.

Excuse me, bother, their husband only lives in a dream.

The fans calmed down for three seconds, and then resumed their kneeling and licking nature.

{Xiao Shen talked about his girlfriend! Congratulations, when will my brother release his sister-in-law for the big guys to meet? }

{What dream upstairs, I haven't seen the appearance of the God of Kings and want to see a man's wife? }

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