168. Flattery to Master Lu Xiao.

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On the way back, Su Mutian's mouth never stopped.

"Su Bao'er, it's not your father who prevented you from falling in love, it's that stinky boy, he is really useless!"

Su Mutian turned the steering wheel, the disgust on his face was about to overflow the car.

Just like that, a little bastard, except that his skin looks handsome, how can he be worthy of his good daughter?

Su Su lay in the co-pilot, holding a small khaki pillow in his hand, and lazily said, "Daddy, don't worry about it. Since childhood, except for Yang Peici, when did your daughter suffer?"

When Su Mutian heard her mention Yang Pace, he thought of the birthday, but at the same time he felt guilty and couldn't help being proud: "This is true."

"Even the fat boy from the Shen family was docile and subdued by my good daughter!"

Having said this, Su Mutian's eyes lit up: "Su Bao'er, I remember that the Shen family has lost a lot of weight now, and he is more promising than before. Coupled with knowing the basics, it's better to wait... communicate with?"

Su Su: "..." Her boyfriend really doesn't please my father.

After arriving home, she sent Lu Xiao a WeChat message.

{Student Lu, it seems that you have a deep conflict with my father. }

There is almost a second reply: {What did the father-in-law say about me? }

Su Su glanced at the screen and slowly said: {He has said a lot, and I don't know where to start. In short... there is no one you like to hear. }

Brother Moving Brick: {I know what father-in-law said...}

Brother moving bricks: {Does it have to be excellent in order to prove that this person is promising? }

Brick mover: {These adults, their ideas are superficial}

Brother moving bricks: {Sister Su, I have a hunch that I will take the first place at the end of this term. }

Su Su: "..." How come there are so many children's dramas.


Lu Xiao returned news from his girlfriend while he was eating. Lu Denan saw him and yelled: "Smelly boy, where did you raise the problem? You are not allowed to play with your mobile phone while eating!"

As soon as the chatter was opened, he couldn't stop: "The last time you took a little girl to open the house, I didn't settle the account with you. I told you that before you get a certificate and get married, you are a hooligan!"

Lu Xiao jumped his forehead and said with a black face, "What do you mean by that stuff, grandpa, you are slandering!"

Lu Denan became angry when he heard this, and gave him a fierce look: "I heard it on the phone last time, you little gangster dare you deny it?"

"Now that I have done it, I should bring people back to meet and meet, and keep up with the progress of the work, so I can get it done quickly."

Lu Xiao: "..." This old man is a hooligan.

His girlfriend is so small and feels guilty to sleep in her arms, and the family member wants to get a certificate.

"Grandpa, don't worry about our junior affairs." Lu Xiao said, and paused slightly: "Furthermore, next time you ask if you can understand the law before getting the certificate, your grandson is not twenty-two, civil affairs I can't enter the gate of the bureau, where can I get married?"

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