110. This pair of good students.

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The cry of the girl came from the counselor's office, which looked like she was being bullied.

"What's the situation?" Liu Zhendong said more and more angry: "Student Su, don't be afraid, even if you speak out the truth, I will see who dares to bully my student of Liu Zhendong!"

Su Su nodded while making a fake sob: "Mr. Liu, classmate Lu is really too miserable. After learning that I was called away by Wang Qianqian, he rushed to the small forest as soon as possible. But when he came, my legs He was already injured by the thugs and Wang Qianqian. Lu Xiao was not angry, so he argued with them..."

Although Lu Xiao didn't know when he was arguing with others, he obviously kicked his feet directly, but he still had a proper weight on his face, and took the stubborn words: "Wang Qianqian has harassed me more than once. I didn't expect this time It was even too much and bullied my classmates! I was too angry... so I gave her oral education, but Wang Qianqian's admirers couldn't even see his goddess being wronged at all, and beat people without saying anything, my force Everyone knows it, but I know it's wrong to hurt people at school, so I forcefully resisted and didn't fight back, my stomach was broken by him..."

After he finished speaking, he bent down slightly, clutched his stomach and made a painful gesture.

Su Su saw this and helped the other party without a trace. He lowered his voice and said, "Brother, you are covering your belly."

Lu Xiao: "..."

He changed his hand in time.

"He's talking nonsense!" Wang Qianqian thought Su Su was shameless enough, but she didn't expect Lu Xiao to be even more shameless than her!

Lu Xiao didn't look at her, and focused on Lin Ka-shing, "Dare you say you are not Wang Qianqian's admirer?"

Lin Ka-shing accepted this subconsciously: "I am."

Wang Qianqian: "..."

The corner of Lu Xiao's lips rose without a trace, and then pulled it down: "Teacher, is the truth of the matter not clear enough now?"

"Obviously it was a scene performed by Wang Qianqian calling out to catch the thief. There is no surveillance in the small forest, but there is surveillance outside the forest. If I am not mistaken, it was Wang Qianqian and her admirer who took the student Su to the small forest. Then I got the news and rushed over. If you don't believe it, you will be clear if you bring up the monitoring."

Su Su said with red eyes, "Student Lu, it's my fault and my fault. If it wasn't for saving me, you wouldn't be bullied by them..."

Lu Xiao pulled his lips, pretending to be forbearing: "It's nothing. After all, this incident also happened because of me. You are fine."

The two people played the image of the weak and small victim to the fullest, but Liu Zhendong heard it from the anger. Originally, after learning about this, he was holding the idea of ​​being in harmony. Lu Xiao knew what Lu Xiao was like. But he never expected that the victim was actually a student in his class!

His gaze swept towards Wang Qianqian and the others like a knife, and patted the table angrily, "Is there any law of nature? Is there a Wang Fa?"

"Cat counselor, forget about your students being bullied to my students, and even acted as a thief shouting and catching a thief! Su Su in our class, I know best, she never tells lies and never wrongs people! Su Su, she is What a good student, what has become of being oppressed by you, only now dare to tell the truth!"

"There is also Lu Xiao from our class. He has poor grades and loves absenteeism, but this is not the reason for you to slander him! Cat counselor, this is the student you brought out? Full of nonsense, and colluded with other students to beat our school. A student, if you don't give me an explanation today, I must report this matter to the principal so that he will give Wang Qianqian a serious mistake!"

The character turned upside down in an instant, and Zhang Damao was a little uncomfortable, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves. He didn't dare to correct the other party's wrong tone with a thick blush as before. He lowered his head and spoke in embarrassment: "Counselor Liu, you are right. I will definitely give you and two classmates an explanation on this matter!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to Wang Qianqian with disappointment in his eyes: "Student Wang, you really make me sad!"

Wang Qianqian didn't expect this incident to be like this in an instant. Now she finally couldn't help it, crying even more aggrieved than Su Su: "Teacher, you must trust the students! What I said is true. , If you don't believe me, Lin Ka-shing next to me can testify for me!"

After speaking, he looked at Lin Ka-shing and motioned him to tell the truth of the matter.

Lin Ka-shing: "..." At this time, no matter how he speaks, it will only make these two teachers more angry, right?

Su Su immediately shook his shoulders, his eyes flashing with fear.

When Lu Xiao saw this, he thought that Su Su was really scared, and a vicious flash flashed under his eyes. He lowered his eyes and promptly covered his expression.

Sure enough, Liu Zhendong became even more angry. He pointed to Zhang Damao and said, "Okay you Zhang Damao, this is the student you brought out. Can you see what she is like now! Dare to threaten classmates in front of us!"

Zhang Damao's face flushed. In his thirty years of education, where hasn't he been so loved, and where has he been scolded by pointing his nose like this?

He was completely disappointed with Wang Qianqian now: "Student Wang, I will just ask you, did you find the helper?"

Wang Qianqian's eyes trembled, and she dared not reply.

At this time, she was completely awake, why was she blinded by hatred at the time, no matter who hit who, Lin Ka-shing was indeed the one who came to deal with Su Su!

The incident ended with Wang Qianqian's review of 3000 words and a sincere apology to Su Su Lu Xiao.

Originally, she wanted to keep a file. Su Su felt that this sister was a bit miserable. Every time she tried to find something, she didn't say anything, and she always returned with a wound. She was not possessed by Bai Lianhua, but simply felt that the incident was not. It must be raised to the student file.

So she couldn't bear to say: "Teacher, you should give Wang Qianqian a chance. If you put this incident in the file, she will definitely be greatly affected when she graduates and goes out to find a job."

Wang Qianqian was stunned and looked at Su Su in shock.

She never expected that this woman who cannibalize her bones would let her go.

Liu Zhendong was also very shocked when he heard it, and said with relief: "In this society, there are still a few people who can maintain their original heart. Su Su, you are not only kind to others, but also a rare kind of heart. This is all contemporary. The character that society lacks!"

"This year's scholarship, the best student award in this class, are all awarded to you by the teacher!"

Zhang Damao also felt that this student named Su Su was kind. After all, if this kind of thing is done to anyone, it is unlikely that he would let anyone go. So he grinned at Wang Qianqian and said, "Hurry up and talk to classmate Su. apologize!"

Wang Qianqian: "..."

She vaguely felt that this should not be the case, but couldn't think of what it should be like, and she lowered her head in shame: "Student Su, I'm sorry..."

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