42. This Sour

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At the beginning of the training, the students were able to move forward with their feelings full of emotions. Until they walked for an entire hour, but only one third of the distance, the students couldn't laugh.

"Who built this school? I want to talk to you about life when I come out."

"In the future, I will never brag to my former classmates that most of our schools are awesome. Ooooooooooooooooooooooo bad this time..."

"It's so hot, so tired, so thirsty, I don't want to move..."

"I already knew that I bought two bottles of water. Woo..."


Su Su's inner thoughts were exactly the same as those of the previous classmates. After another half an hour, she felt like her throat was smoking, her legs were like lead, and every step of her life was terrible, and her brain was buzzing. Ringing, she was calling for help.

This taste is really good for my wife.

Lu Xiao is an excellent model, you don't need to stand in the team. He is outside the team. He looks back from time to time, and when he looks at it again, his eyebrows frown slightly.

The idiot's ruddy face was not bloody at this time, the tip of the nose and the sides of the cheek kept sweating, and the vivid eyes of the aura also dimmed.

Just write on my face, I don't want to go, who will save me-

Seeing this scene, Lu Xiao was supposed to laugh at her as hard as before, but for some reason, this time he couldn't laugh.

When he got back to God, he walked to the girl without listening.

"Are you okay?" The voice was deep.

Su Su heard the sound and looked up subconsciously, but couldn't open her eyes pierced by the sun. He responded weakly and said, "I can do everything I can."

Lu Xiao could see that the girl was supporting, and pulled her lips: "What about the water I gave you?"


"Still thirsty?"


Questions and answers, the little girl's answer is extremely concise, and you can see how tired she is.

Lu Xiao lightly couldn't help but laughed and said: "Where did you go to the bully who called me to buy ice cream? It took only a few steps to breathe like an old lady. Hold on, tell Instructor Zheng to go back and rest."

After thinking about it, I added a sentence: "No one laughs at you."

The brick-moving brother was like a brood parrot when he was uncaged, Su Su was already uncomfortable enough, and he had to endure the chatter of the other party. Hold on, why can't I?"

"Student Lu, don't talk to me, I'm bored."

Lu Xiao: "..." I didn't expect this girl to be quite bloody.

But when he heard Su Su's last words, Lu Xiao gave a smirk, and this was a stupid girl who didn't know what to do.

Lu Xiao decided to ignore her, thirsty and exhausted, such a stupid was a waste of air to live.

One minute.

Two minutes.


Less than three minutes later, Lu Xiao couldn't help it again, and put her half-bottle of mineral water in her hands with her black face in her hands.

"Drink when you are thirsty."

"Dare to dismiss Lao Tzu's water, make your head crooked and make ice cream crispy."

The voice was cold and deep, knowing that he was doing good deeds, and not knowing that he wanted to kill the whole family.

Su Su looked at the mineral water descending from the sky, and in the hot dazzling sunlight, it looked extremely charming and lovely.

Where is this ordinary half-bottle of water, obviously is the source of life that can save her little life.

In such a sunny day, under such a lack of water resources, the brick moving brother can give his life-ah, he can give him the source of his life, just like the savior.

Su Su moved with tears in her eyes, without saying anything, opened the cap and drank the remaining half of the bottle of water.

Nice guy.

She didn't know how to repay him except drinking the water.

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