04. Brother

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The smile provoked by Lu Xiao's lips, little by little, was pressed down by him, and looked blankly at the girl whose courage was bigger than a tiger.

The broadcast room was boiling now.

{Lying trough this woman's awesome! She has done what I have dreamed in my life! }

{Ha ha ha ha ha, so it is said that the owl god is to be adopted by a minor girl? ! }

{Only I am the one who admires the big pig hoof of the owl god. Let 's just give him money every day. Why are people crying and crying to support him in three yuan? ...}

A fan suddenly realized something and took a breath.

{After identification, the Owl God is definitely a stunningly handsome guy in the three dimensional! ! ! }


Lu Xiao was so upset that he didn't even say hello, and he swiped his hand upwards, ruthlessly shutting down the live broadcast room,

The phone screen is black.

The whole world was suddenly quiet.

He looked at the young girl who was staring at him with bright eyes in front of him, and his back was cold, and inexplicably had the feeling of being taken advantage of.

Obviously he was a man. If he was adopted by a weak girl, where would the brother's reputation go? ! !

Lu Xiao threw down the brick and silently put the clothes back on.

The uncle who moved bricks has long disappeared, and this place is only left with him and ... a rich local tyrant with no money.

"You said ... Do you want to support me?"

After a while, he opened his mouth.

Su Su waved his hand, embarrassed: "Don't talk so unpleasantly, I just love doing good things."

If it were not the actor who would be adopted, Lu Xiao might have laughed out loud.

Dare to say that I'm afraid to not listen, this little girl is a little social.

"Girl, which of your ways are mixed, and you talk arrogantly?"

One export is "I support you", this girl Lu Xiao is the first time I saw.

Su Su rolled her lips and smiled modestly: "I don't mix, but it's just a normal student."

Lu Xiao completely lost his smile this time and snorted.


He didn't see it.

Su Su was a little puzzled by his smile, thinking that the other party was too little, and wrinkled his nose. He was not very happy and said, "Brother, you can't be too greedy as a man."

Go to yours, who is your brother!

These words went through Lu Xiao's mouth again. After grinding the molars, he froze to say nothing.

He sneered in his heart, this damn smelly girl, is the eye on the forehead, and he is really regarded as a brick mover on the construction site, really no glance!

He, Lu Xiao, the little son of the Lu Group, and his family with hundreds of millions of properties still do things in a low-key manner. Even if Grandpa freezes all bank cards, he can never succumb to a 100,000 card! ! !

This is simply an insult to personality!

Lu Xiao took a deep breath, still not slowing down, and endured the fire: "If you take it away, I will not scare your stinky money!"

As soon as he said this, he realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it for a while, and his face became even more ugly.

Su Su blinked his eyes wide and looked at the fierce brother who was moving bricks in front of him.

As the saying goes, it 's a fool to not make money, and the little brother in front of him does n't look like a fool ...

Lu Xiao leaned back, about a meter away from the girl, this is a very safe distance, do not worry about the other party will suddenly make any messy behavior, it can be said that it is quite ruthless.

"Are you an adult?"

Su Su pursed her lips and didn't really want to answer his question.

She was ridiculed by her classmates because she was young and short, and even more annoying, they gave her a nickname.

Little man!

Lu Xiao looked at the girl who was in front of him, but his chest was high. It was estimated that the little girl was only fifteen or sixty, and she could not hold more than eighteen, narrowing her eyes slightly.

He suddenly laughed, the laughter seemed to be rolled over by the dead leaves, especially hoarse: "Little sister, the brick mover is also dignified, I don't need your alms, do you understand?"

"Less reading books that are not good for your health before you are a minor. It's okay to listen more to Marxism-Leninism and add to the future of the motherland, understand?

A series of questions that did not require her to reply, made Su Su a little dazed. She endured the desire to refute the other party. She couldn't help but become an adult. She was 18 years old. She was ashamed and lowered her head. She also quickly received the card. Going back, Nane said: "I'm sorry, I ... I didn't mean to humiliate you, I ignored your dignity."

Lu Xiao: "..." I don't know if it is his illusion, I always feel that this girl is not so clever.

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