31. Bullying her

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  It was ten minutes after Su Su came out of the shop.

She carried a bag with five bottles of mineral water on her left, and a cream ice cream on her right. It was extremely difficult to take every step. It was hard to imagine that she was so explosive under this little man.

The students are taking a cool shade under the shade of trees at this time. Lu Xiao, as a school tyrant, must sit under the largest tree even if he is taking a cool shade, otherwise he seems to be sorry for his identity.

"Brother Xiao, look over there, why does Su Suti have so much water?" Chen Yu was a little puzzled while sitting on the short steps under the tree.

"I can't see it. Su's such a small one can still bring so much water!" Yuan Xin inserted.

Lu Xiao looked in the direction they said.

The hat she wore on her head was probably tight because she was walking on the road, and she slightly crooked to the other side. The camouflage dress on her body was wide and wide, and her waistband was tied into her waist. But she is too short, a small one, both hands are not free, it looks like a little old lady who has gone through all kinds of difficulties.

Lu Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an unidentified smile on his lips: "You will know later."

Su Su, like a little old man, walked step by step, and finally walked to the teenager and stood still. Breathed softly.

"Student Lu, this is the mineral water you want."

Chen Yu and his eyes widened in an instant. Under what circumstances did he buy this water together with Su Su? !

That's right, Lu Xiao just stopped her just now, just to make the other party buy water for him.

Ever since I met Su Su, a bad girl, one bad thing after another, it was not enough to relieve Lu Xiao's hatred without punishing her for a few days.

Lu Xiaoing snorted and took the bag lazily.

In the process of receiving water, I saw the girl's palms marked with red marks by the bag, probably because her skin was too tender, and the sudden increase in her hands seemed particularly shocking.

His eyes snapped, his brow furrowed slightly.

"Does it hurt?" The voice was deep.

Su crisp handed over the bag, shrink scaling back subconscious mind, moving bricks cursed it quite vengeful brother, was about to leave, heard it, his head did not keep up with the other's brain circuits, "What is it?"

The little girl His eyes were pure and innocent, and he looked at him so watery.

If ordinary people are bullied like this, even if they dare not resist, there will be some emotion in their eyes, but Su Su doesn't. Her eyes are very clean, like Wang Qingquan.

Lu Xiao rolled slightly between his throats, and there was an inexplicable pain in his heart.

I went to an internet cafe and was caught by Lao Liu. Although he was sold by Xiao Mushroom, he could see that the other party was not intentional, and later wrote a review for him. A girl like her knew that she was a good girl without having to look at it. After reviewing the book, it is not incomprehensible to make mistakes at once, but as to later...it hurts him to the water, but it is just to worry that he wants to commit suicide... Out of the mentality of trying to save him, it is not to intentionally harm him.

After listing all the incidents, the little mushroom seems to be quite innocent.

Lu Xiao's thoughts were just a moment, when he reacted, he was slightly surprised.

He Lu Xiao has always flattered the principle that he can't lose anything. When will he also excuse others? !

This girl is really poisonous.

So he smiled whispered under the girl's puzzled eyes, Lu Xiao gazed at her slightly, and said with disgust: "I mean, I suddenly don't want to drink mineral water anymore. The little ice cream on your hand looks pretty good. Creamy, let me try it."

Su Su: "..." She is going to kill Lu Xiao! ! !

Su Su : I will kill anyone who grabs my ice cream !

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