97. Warning from Junior Brother.

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When it comes to Su Su, anyone who is interested will notice that although she is not tall, she has excellent proportions. The lower body is slightly longer than the upper body, so even if she looks petite and small, it is extremely pleasing to the eye.

But it is by no means to the point where it can be compared with the Pink Panther. This is where Xu Zhiyang and others laugh.

Most of the girls chatting in the dormitory are about boys. It hurts to think that a certain male god looks so handsome and wants to go to the bathroom like me and other mortals. There are also such-and-such boys who have a unique love for white shirts. Zhong, even in the cold winter, he would never wear cotton clothes. A white shirt is his last stubbornness!

In the end, the girls came to the conclusion that the male gods do not have bigu Dan, and they have to eat and go to the toilet like ordinary people. As the so-called iron gods run water, male gods should not be afraid of severe cold and heat.

After the big class, Su Su returned to the dormitory with her roommates. She sorted out the books she brought back from the classroom. Then she saw Lu Yao and Luo Qing pushing me and I pushing you, and they stood next to her and played a game of pushing people.

Su Su put the last book on the shelf and turned around to look at these two life treasures. It should be said that it is Lu Yao, the life treasure. Under her leadership, Luo Qing successfully transformed Luo Qing from a high cold goddess into a high cold girl. nerve.

The two probably finally reached some ugly deal. Goddess Gao Leng coughed her throat, and said with the kind of voice of grandma wolf coaxing the little white rabbit: "Susu, I and Yaoyao want to ask you something. ."

Su Su scratched the corner of the table behind him and blinked his eyes: "Can I not listen?"

Luo Qing: "..." I'm afraid this won't work.

In the end, Lu Yao said, "Su Su, you and Xiao brother are not so close recently. You can honestly explain to us, is there something wrong?"

Luo Qing looked serious, "Although the school has a good reputation recently, if you want to choose a mate... Susu, I advise you to be cautious."

In Luo Qing's eyes, her own cubs are good, but they are a bit blind, and they are attracted to a problematic student who is not doing business all day.

Su Su was stunned: "When did I have a situation with Brother Xiao, why didn't I know?"

Luo Qing had such an expression on her face, "Isn't there a case, what is your name, Brother Xiao, are you familiar?"

Su Su: "..." is not very raw.

But didn't Xiao Brother call it first? ? ?

Lu Yao saw that her little roommate wanted to resist, so she slammed the school sticker on her face.

"Watch it for yourself."

Su Su poked his head and looked over.

"Tieshu Schoolmaster is blooming!" ! ! 》

The title is very eye-catching, it's a gossip who will point it in, wanting to see how the ruthless school bully blossoms.

Owner: {The story about our a big school bully doesn't need me to share science with you, right! It was the ruthless and poisonous school bully! }

{Eat melon online in the front row! }

Host: {The host was running on the playground today, and he saw the school bully standing with the school flower, and there was an anonymous person standing next to him. The atmosphere was a bit subtle. At this moment, only a flying ball fell from the sky, and the school bully threw it right away. He took the medicine in his hand and held Wumingshi firmly in his arms, but guess what? }

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