165. Strawberries.

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The weather in these two days is not good, and the temperature at night is extremely low. A gust of wind can blow people away for half their lives.

Su Su glanced at him and wrinkled her nose: "Hot?"

"No..." She asked aloud, "Brother, the temperature is not high this day, did you say the opposite."

Lu Xiao curled up the girl's hand slightly, and coughed dryly, "It's the opposite."

Su Su's eyes fell on the boy. He wore a black overcoat with a dark cashmere sweater inside, and his neck was naturally exposed.

Jun is Jun, just looking colder.

Su Su stared at the young slender neck with a serious face: "I think you are missing one thing here."

Lu Xiao was taken aback, and soon remembered what Xu Eryang had said before in the dormitory.

"Brother Xiao, you and Sister-in-law have been together for a while, so what else did you guys do?"

At that time, he was very proud and said, "Kiss? I did it a long time ago."

Xu Eryang: "You are all adults, so you can just let your sister-in-law grow strawberries on you if you have the ability."


As his thoughts returned, Lu Xiao's heart suddenly jumped, and he lowered his voice and said, "I also think it's empty here."

As he said, he lowered his head very cooperatively.

Su Su was a little dumbfounded.

What does he bow his head for?

Is it possible that she fell in love with her fluffy little scarf?

Thinking of her boyfriend being stimulated in the small alley today, and squeezing heavily to buy strawberry milk tea for her... Su Su pursed her lips, slowly took the scarf off her neck, and put it on tiptoe for the teenager. The tone was reluctant: "This scarf was given to me by my father, student Lu, you must cherish it."

Lu Xiao: "..." Don't you plant strawberries?

He felt the temperature from his neck, and his mood was momentarily complicated.


When Su Su returned to the dormitory, he was greeted by a series of roommates.

"Su Su, how's your birthday? Are you happy?" Lu Yao asked, poking his head from the upper bunk.

Luo Qing: "Do you still have to ask? I didn't look at this girl's mouth, I almost grinned to the back of my head."

Su Su curled her lips and muttered, "Is it so obvious."

Lu Yao looked at the smiling face of her little roommate, resting her chin in her hands and meditating: "This is not right, can you laugh like this on a birthday at home?"

"Those who don't know thought you were dating Brother Xiao with us behind your back."

Su Su's eyes rounded, her roommate is amazing, it's a pity not to be a detective.

Qiao Meng lay on the bed and whispered: "The cool and handsome school bully has a master. Fortunately, we still have a lord to watch."

Lu Yao interrupted mercilessly: "Don't even think about it, the lords already have a girlfriend."

Qiao Meng: "..." Her girlish heart.

Luo Qing held her mobile phone and sat cross-legged on a stool and said, "Sisters, the God of Kings is live!"

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