10. The little poor

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The sky is getting darker and darker, the last rays of the setting sun sprinkle on Su Su's face, the girl's eyelashes are long and thick, she can even see the fine fluff on her cheeks,

I saw her lower her head and said sullenly, "I don't know very well, just ... when I just passed by here, this group of little kings ... The fool seems to be infighting. , I could n't help but laugh a little, then ... woo ... then it became like this. "

Lu Xiao: "..." Your laughter is so sweet.

Su Su raised his head as he spoke, looked at Li Xiaochun and Hong Mao on the side, and said harmlessly: "Are you right?"

What can Li Xiaochun and Hongmao say, can't say that the footprints on the face are kicked by a little girl, so that you don't have to be a big brother in the future, just be a grandson.

He smiled a bit harder than crying: "Yeah, Xiao Xiao, I really don't know if this girl is yours This will be withdrawn ... "

After finishing speaking, he took the red and green hairs and other small gangsters, and even walked away from the alley. Lu Xiao vaguely heard a "little devil" thinking that he didn't care much.

Su Su blinked, tears still hanging on her eyelashes, hesitantly said: "Thank you?"

Lu Xiao didn't answer, and suddenly said: "Are you calling brother to anyone?"

The red hair is sullen, little brother, is he also worthy?

Su Su is unknown, but she always smiles sweetly, bending her lips and laughing: "No, I only called your brother."

Lu Xiao heard this, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he smiled, and said like a joke: "Children will go down the night road, not everyone is as enthusiastic as I am."

He got up after speaking, and then found that the other person was still holding his legs, his face slightly black: "Release your paw."

Su Su listened, and immediately let go, whispering, "Brother, you are so fierce."

Lu Xiao didn't want to listen to it any more. For some reason, as soon as he met this stupid girl, he followed his head down, seeing her crying and he was upset, and seeing her calling her brother to get angry.

Seeing that Lu Xiao was gone, Xu Zhiyang gave a smile to the little girl who was still on the ground for 18 years, the most harmless smile of human beings and animals: "Do n't be afraid, Xiao Xiao 's man is just like that. "

Su Su thought to himself how the group of little kings and bastards were so afraid of him, and said that they killed and killed. She vomited under her heart and smiled with her face: "Well, I know, my brother is very good. "

Seeing this, Xu Zhiyang didn't stay any longer, shouted that Brother Xiao waited for me, and then shuffled.

Without a large wave of people, the alley suddenly became deserted, Su Su stood up from the ground, she patted the dirt on her body, and then took the textbook on the ground and hugged it in her arms again.

He murmured lightly in his mouth: "This little poor moves bricks, it's kind of interesting."


The night before going to school in A, Su Mutian worried that Su Baoer would be bullied when he went to university. He turned over and over in the bed, and he didn't fall asleep for an hour.

So he called his assistant Xiao Li.

Su Mutian said anxiously: "Xiao Li, my good girl is going to college, this child is timid, just grown up, I am afraid that she will be bullied in school, you explain what car I drive to send her to school. surface?"

Xiao Li: "..." If it wasn't for one time that I accidentally bumped into Su Suaiai's three girls, he thought Su Su was timid.

He endured drowsiness and said seriously: "General Su, didn't you just buy Ferrari and Land Rover in a city? The former is luxurious and the latter is restrained. I think it's pretty good."

Su Mutian thought that Xiao Li said something quite reasonable, and then he was at ease. He dropped his phone and fell asleep in less than three seconds.

Xiao Li looked at Dudu's hung up phone and thought blankly.

This evil rich man.

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