190. Mainland China and Xiao Su.

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For a moment, Lu Xiao felt that even God was playing with him.

His lips twitched like a spasm, and the smile on his face looked a little reluctant: "Ms. Liu, you may have misunderstood, I didn't just..."

Liu Zhendong hummed heavily, "Student Lu, don't quibble anymore. Come to the office with me after class."

Lu Xiao: "..."

When Liu Zhendong left, Su Su dared to poke his head out, and looked at the boy in front of him with a little pity on his face: "Student Lu, my reminder just now is obvious enough, can you really be smart once?"

Lu Xiao: "..." I felt another sword in the chest.

He sighed: "A good person really has to go through a thousand temperings. Sister Su, think about it for the good, maybe Old Liu didn't find me for criticism?"

The expression on Su Su's face cracked for a moment, and he looked at him with difficulty.

At this moment, she really wanted to break this buddy's head and take a good look at what was in it, not to criticize him. Could it be that Lao Liu was idle and had nothing to do, and he wanted to give him an award when he was full?

In fact, Liu Zhendong really didn't call him into the office to criticize Lu Xiao.

He prides himself on being a model in the teaching profession, and naturally he does not have the same knowledge as students.

In the office, Liu Zhendong looked at Lu Xiao, who was arrogant, and asked with a calm face, "Are you really that owl god in Fighting Bird TV?"

Lu Xiao was a little surprised: "Teacher, you also watch the live broadcast?"

This caused Liu Zhendong to cough. He picked up the teacup on the table, took a couple of sips and then waved his hand quickly: "I don't have that idle time, this is not what the students underneath say."

A thought flashed in Lu Xiao's eyes: "Really."

Liu Zhendong said with a face: "Of course it is true. I am looking for you this time mainly to ask you, what are your plans for the future?"

Liu Zhendong felt that it was quite difficult for him to keep his face calm. He was afraid that he would lose his majesty in front of the students. He never talked to the students too much.

Secretly, he is an old player in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. In the past two years, Liu Zhendong has watched a lot of Xiao Xiao's technical videos. Every time he reads it, he can't help but sigh. They are all hands. Why do people's hands look so tricky...

When I watched the video, I felt like I could pick five, but when it came to actual combat operations, it was obviously the same way. The lord of Kerry was in the audience, and he was often abused by the opposing player and suspected of life.

Liu Zhendong glanced at him, and suddenly wanted to light a cigarette.

The favorite anchor is not as good as his, and the student who can't wait to scold him twice a day is the same person.

Lu Xiao didn't know his thoughts, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled: "What else can I plan? I'm not absent from school or errands recently. I go to the library more often than I go to Internet cafes. Don't worry, Lao Liu. , I will never discredit you again at the end of this term."

When Liu Zhendong heard this, his eyes were gratified, the library is good, the study is good, his rebellious student is finally going to change his mind and know to be a man.

The other teachers in the office are filing, except for the conversation between the two from time to time, it is quiet and peaceful.

Lu Xiao felt that the talk was almost done. The wife was still outside waiting for him to have dinner. He was about to make up an excuse to leave, when he saw Old Liu looking at him with that kind and seductive look. "Student Lu, are you interested in professional competitions?"

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