86. His abdominal muscles are so good.

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But having said that, Lu Xiao felt that he was more inclined to carry Su Su than to carry Xu Zhiyang.

He sighed quietly, "My silly sister, come up."

Lu Xiao said, slightly squatting next to the girl, patted her shoulder and motioned to her.

Su Su was stunned, and followed his fingers with a bend. The ice cream cone had been ravaged by her, but it was completely broken into crumbly shapes.

She threw it into the trash can on the side, and pointed at herself with a little uncertainty: "You really want to carry me?"

Lu Xiao tilted his head and looked at her with a smile but a smile: "Otherwise, you have to jump into the lake with Xu Zhiyang, dare I not memorize it?"

Su Su: "..." As expected, Xu Zhiyang is more important.

Thinking like this in his heart, the movements of his hands were unambiguous, and he crawled on the opponent's shoulders.

It's not even considered that the bodies of two adult men and women are stiff at the same time.

In fact, Lu Xiao had embraced Su Su.

But that was a special situation. At that time, I was only afraid and hugged the person into the infirmary in a panic. There was nothing else except to sigh that the little girl was really soft.

But this time it's different, when the two are awake at the same time

Lu Xiao took a deep breath, pushed the messy thoughts out of his mind, and walked forward without saying a word behind her back.

Su Su grew up so old that he hadn't been carried back by a man other than his father. This was the first time to be so close to other boys. Although she suggested it, she still has some discomforts.

When she was relieved, she couldn't help but sigh.

Student Lu didn't know what he was eating and grew up with. His back was so strong. I saw him naked at the construction site before. His abdominal muscles looked pretty cool, but I didn't know how it felt...

Thinking about it, the little hand was ready to move forward.

Lu Xiao's pupils shrank slightly, almost throwing the person out of him.

"Su Su, what are you doing?!" The voice is very cold, and you can hear a sense of tension when you listen carefully.

Before Su Su could feel the smell, she was screamed fiercely by the other party, and she quickly retracted her little hand in fright.

"I didn't want to do anything..." She slowly explained, "I just think my brother is so hard, which makes me a little uncomfortable."

Lu Xiao: "..." Why are you touching my abdominal muscles?

If it weren't for the fact that the little girl was innocent by nature, Lu Xiao would have thought he had carried a female pervert.

Then Su Su was honest, his hands only hooked the boy's neck, and he didn't rub or touch anything.

The fat aunt who finished the square dance passed by them, her face suddenly stiffened with a smile.

I saw her raising her leg and kicking the emaciated uncle next to her, kicking and cursing: "You have no conscience. I have been married to you for more than 30 years. It is not as good as a young couple. You said you have carried me on your back for so many years. ?!"

The uncle was kicked everywhere, his old face wrinkled into bitter melon color, this is where he doesn't want to carry it, it is because this lady in the family is too fat, he can't carry it at all!

The faces of the fake brothers and sisters who were inexplicably pressed by the young couple changed at the same time, and Su Su's hand shrank as well. He didn't notice that he tried hard, and then he heard the young man grunt.

"Su Su, are you trying to murder your brother?"


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