173. Su Mei hires a navy.

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A university is like a small society. Over time, it can corrupt people's innocence. As they live, many people gradually forget what they want in the first place.

This can be regarded as the first class given by the university to these boys and girls.

The morning sun was still mixed with the chill left over at night. The dormitory where Lu Xiao lived was sheltered from the sun. He opened the door and walked in. The light in the room was not turned on, and it was a bit cold.

Yuan Xin was washing on the balcony. The remaining two roommates snored and snored. Yuan Xin held a toothbrush in his hand, poked his head out of the balcony, and said vaguely: "Brother Xiao, I went for a run again today. ?"

Only Lu Xiao in their dormitory has the habit of running in the morning. Except for staying overnight and staying out at night, he is punctual every morning without moving.

Lu Xiao didn't answer this, he put his phone on the table at will, and walked towards him.

He usually looks like he is lazy and not awake, or his body is exuding no air in the air, rarely like now, without the slightest expression on his face, revealing a bit of coolness from his bone marrow.

Yuan Xin was a little startled. Before he could react, the boy pulled his collar by the next second and punched him in the face.

Lu Xiao's punch was not merciful, and he didn't have the slightest awareness of hitting people without hitting the face. Then came the second punch. Yuan Xin's left half of his face swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the corners of his lips were full of blood.

The two people were making a lot of noise. The washbasin and toothbrush cups crackled and fell to the floor with a crackling sound. The two sleeping in bed were awakened instantly.

"Fuck! Xiaoye Yuer Xinzidi--"

Before Xu Zhiyang said the shock, he was stunned by the scene before him.

He and Chen Yu looked at each other, and then jumped off the bed as soon as they took their long legs.

"Master Xiao, what's the matter with you two?" Xu Zhiyang said while pulling a fight, but fortunately, Lu Xiao didn't mean to fight any more, and followed his strength to retract his fist.

Lu Xiao's eyes were deep, for a long while, he chuckled softly, "You can ask him."

Xu Zhiyang looked at Yuan Xin puzzledly, "Xinzi, what's the situation? Early in the morning, what kind of martial arts are you practicing?"

Chen Yu was a little skeptical last night. Seeing that the two of them were in such a situation, there was nothing left to understand.

Yuan Xin half body was outside in the pool. He staggered up and wiped his face severely. He didn't bother to pretend, and sneered, "You know it all."

Lu Xiao turned his head, staring at him tightly, "Why?"

Xu Zhiyang didn't understand what dumb riddle the two were playing. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He was about to speak, but was stopped by Chen Yu, "Let them solve this problem by themselves, let's just leave it alone. Up."

After he finished speaking, he dragged Xu Zhiyang away.

It is also served, and even at this point I can get a high, it seems that the ancestors of the Xu family appeared.

There was no accident, and there was no reversal. Yuan Xin did this thing.

In the dark corner, no light from outside the window penetrated.

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