183. Pounce on him.

128 3 0

As soon as this thought flashed in his mind, Su Su heard the girl behind him screaming: "Ahhh look at me!!!"

"He is looking at me!!!"

"What nonsense you guys are talking about, it's me that the Owl God sees!"

Su Su: "..." Did this group of people drank fake wine?

The crowd was restless in the arena, and the cameraman immediately took a close-up of Lu Xiao after receiving the command from the superior.

The report of this city competition is arranged by the organizer. Those reporters who did not come to the scene have regretted their intestines at this moment. They had long known that the King King would show up today. Even if they were away on their honeymoon, they would have to come back. Grab the first-hand news!

When these reporters rushed to the stadium one by one, they were already empty.

As soon as the City Tournament was about to end, news about Lu Xiao, also known as Xiaoshen, instantly occupied the top three in hot searches, and his news was even linked to each platform's e-sports section.

You know, the five million fans of Douniao tv are not the same as the five million followers of Weibo, which means that five million people entered the live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast. The gold content is simpler than that of Weibo. The attention is much higher.

The key buzzwords revolved around the appearance of the God of Kings, the City Tournament, and the God of Kings.

There are constant comments under the major platforms.

{I thought Xiao Shen was an uncle in his thirties, but I didn't expect him to be so young! ! ! }

{Such a handsome face should be seen by the whole world! ! ! }

Some emotional fans almost choked up after watching the live broadcast.

{Our male god is going to play the city match! What does this show? Will he be able to play professionally soon? ! ! ! }

{My brother never mentioned his career to us during the live broadcast, but I can still feel his love for e-sports... The last time he shot Orange Aguang to death, don't think I didn't see it. My brother envied him for being able to truly Standing on the field... ooh, my male god is so cute even if he is jealous of others...}

{Speaking to the bottom of my heart, in fact, the God of King would really like to play games...}

{This man has always been like this, he usually likes to make us happy, he has always swallowed in his stomach when there is suffering, mother, what a peerless treasure this is, it's so good to cry...} 嘤嘤嘤

{Fuck! ! ! Xiaoshen is not seventy or eighty years old. It's not good to be so young. How could he become an amateur anchor? He should! Go to win glory for the country! ! ! }


Liu Lulu, the owner of the lng club, was no less shocked than netizens after receiving the news. In fact, they had recruited Xiaoxiao six months ago, but they were bluntly rejected.

At that time, the popularity of the owl was far worse than it is now. As the first-class e-sports club in China, where did they experience such bird air?

After a few words of ignorance, the people below were withdrawn. After all, there are more people who want to come to their club every year. Xiao is just a small anchor, that is to say, he has a reputation on the Internet. For their club, It doesn't hurt or itchy.

But when Liu Lulu watched that game, he was silent.

Liu Lulu had a hunch in his heart that if this person was not recruited, he would definitely be their number one enemy.

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