68. Stay where you are and don't move

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The police are also helpless to these sophistry players, plus this is not a big case, and there is no need to continue to investigate.

Because it was too late, I asked the contact information of Lu Xiao's counselors, simply described the matter with the counselors, and let them go back.

There are few people coming and going on the streets at night. There are a few moths lying on the street lights, and there are several insects and mosquitoes in the bushes from time to time.

The boy and the girl walked towards the school with natural wind, and now the dormitory has been closed for a long time. Lu Yao is worried: "Crispy, if the aunt stays with us, will we stay overnight on the street tonight. "

"Tomorrow is the tutor's lesson. I dare not be late..."

Before Su Su spoke, Xu Zhiyang on the side said with a smile: "No, a few of us are special cases this time. Aunt Su Guan knows that he will be able to get along."

As soon as Lu Yao thought this was true, he didn't worry anymore. He glanced at Lu Xiao, who had been silent for a while, and was a little excited: "Brother Xiao is so handsome today. The gangsters who hit him knelt and called their father. , I am so happy!"

Because of this frame, the relationship between them has changed from unfamiliar superficial classmates to friends who are worth making deep.

Su Su also followed the sentence: "Brother Xiao is so handsome."

Lu Xiao's lips curled slightly, but his face was modestly authentic: "Nothing."

After talking, he seemed to think of something, his face changed, and he looked at Su Su with a smile instead of a smile: "Student Xiao Su, don't you keep your distance?"

Su Su: "..."

Su Su blinked, selective amnesia.

I was a little tangled in my heart. The male anchor is very gentle, but it is not bad to move the brick brother. Who is she going to chase after all...

Lu Xiao didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, a few people walked to the school gate. He raised his eyes and saw a burger restaurant with lights on beside him. He walked slightly and said to Xu Zhiyang and others: "You Go back first and I will send them back to the dormitory later."

When he spoke, he looked at Su Su.

Lu Yao looked at the two people in front of him. At this moment, he was blessed to the soul, and suddenly he seemed to understand something. No wonder Kusu sometimes helped Lu Xiao to speak, and even happened to sit at the same table with the other party in class...

The relationship between these two people is worth pondering.

Thinking about this, she kept busy and said, "No need, I will go back with Xu Zhiyang and they will remember to send us back!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Su Su to speak, speeding up his pace.

Xu Zhiyang saw through Lu Xiao's last sentence, "You are thirsty, I want to close the old man's ass", with a whisper, he followed Chen Yu's shoulder and walked to the school.

"Obviously a tough guy, I have to learn from my sister Sister Lin..."

Lu Xiao heard this, his forehead jumped, and his face did not speak.

Su Su turned her face to the side and asked strangely, "Classmate Lu, who is Sister Lin?"

Lu Xiao said with a blank expression: "It's nothing, Xu Zhiyang's brain is not easy to use, and he is ill at intervals."

Su Su nodded, seemingly incomprehensible, a flash of thought in his eyes.

Lu Xiao didn't want to discuss this topic with her again, and said with a calm face, "Isn't it out to buy supper?"

Su Su didn't understand why the topic jumped from Sister Lin to the supper, tilted her head, and looked at him with some doubt.

The little girl was too cute to be born, and her dark, dark eyes were covered with confusion. Under the light of the street lights, she could even see the light flashing in her eyes. Her eyelashes fluttered like a fan. .

A little...too cute.

Lu Xiao gazed at her quietly. After a long time, she coughed unnaturally and opened her mouth a little awkwardly.

"Don't move while standing, I'll buy you a chicken leg."


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