159. Counterfeit.

132 2 0

Su Su took a sip of her drink and whispered, "Brother, I think you are a bit impolite."

Lu Xiao nodded in agreement, "I think too."

Su Su ignored him.

Didn't this guy always want to play professionally? I don't want to cherish a great opportunity in front of him...

Su Su squeezed the water glass angrily, but he suddenly paused with his fingertips.

No, Lu Xiao is also a high-achieving student no matter what, if he really goes into a career and does not say he has a long-distance relationship, will he still drop out of school?

Thinking of this, Su Su silently bit on the straw, no longer indignant.

Madness is sometimes a kind of good character in life.

Just when the tree couldn't help but want to punch this arrogant boy with a punch, he just listened to the other side swaying and saying, "Just use win94, why, do you think I am fooling people?"

Dashu thought that this guy was a little mad, he was quite self-aware, and then saw their captain Lu Ming suddenly stand up.

Because of getting up too quickly, the chair behind his buttock was overturned.

"Are you a owl?"

Fans are accustomed to shouting Lu Xiaoxiaoshen, when he registered on the live broadcast platform, he singled out his name.

The match between Xiao Shen and Orange Aguang last year made him the king of passersby. This season has not yet reached the end and no conclusion can be drawn. Last season, he was the number one in the Asian server. He was able to break the siege from many anchors and e-sports campaigns, which shows his strength.

If the young man in front of him is the King of Kings, then the ones he just said will be able to be on the right.

Lu Xiao didn't deny it, but smiled, "You are very good."

As the captain of jd, although Lu Ming is a bit weak in leading the players, he can't underestimate his own strength, but with their current situation, everyone can't show their maximum strength.

It's not that Lu Ming has never heard people praise him, but his face is a little hot at the moment, he also smiled, showing small pointed tiger teeth.

"I watched your live broadcast, I thought you would be at least twenty-five, but I didn't expect..."

I didn't expect to be so young.

Most of the young people who have reached a certain level of skill are recruited by e-sports clubs. Some of the ones left on the live broadcast platform may also have very good skills, but ten of them have passed the golden age of e-sports players.

Lu Xiao nodded without answering.

The big tree on the side and Wowo almost dropped his jaw.

"You are actually the God of Owl!!!"

The tree is a very burly-looking young man, but at this time he was covering his mouth in surprise. Such a tall man made such a small woman's action, which seemed quite funny.

Wowo was also shocked. In addition to training in the club, they fell in love with Fighting Bird when they were fine. Watching the single row of the anchor named Xiao Xiao, only you can't think of it. I didn't think he would not dare to show. Is it the owl god? !

Dashu and Wowo looked at each other, is he really a lord?

If they can come out for a meal, they will run into them.

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