164. You are cold and violent to me.

124 3 0

Lu Xiao's feeling came back again.

He thinks that he is like the legendary twenty-four filial husband who works hard in the field. The monthly salary card is given to his wife for safekeeping, and there is only a small amount of private money left in WeChat to buy milk tea for his wife. , Shouldn't you see many men like him in this world?

But what did his wife do?

Actually carrying him and making eyebrows with other men.

Pull and pull.

Lu Xiao's hand holding the milk tea creaked, his eyes lowered, his dark pupils faded, "What are you doing?"

Su Su swallowed his saliva. It was obviously nothing. When asked by the boy, he made it the same as what she had done something unspeakable. He replied, "Brother, I, I think you might have misunderstood..."

A touch of surprise flashed in Orange Aguang's eyes: "You know?"

Su Su: "..." Isn't this definitely making the situation worse?

Lu Xiao sneered, and put his eyes on him seriously, "She is my girlfriend, should you say we should know each other?"

Orange Aguang was choked, then laughed instead, and said insinuatingly, "Brother, it's best to be gentle with your girlfriend. You're as fierce as you... can't it."

Lu Xiao said expressionlessly, "When you have time to call me brothers and sisters here, it's better to go back and practice more skills."

He paused, then curled his lips and smiled: "I was blown to the head with a win94 shot. At this level, how can I make my girlfriend such a big face?"

The smile on Orange Aguang's face changed suddenly, staring at the young man in front of him and asking, "How do you know, are you a xiao?"

"Isn't it a well-known thing that you were shot headshot?" Lu Xiao didn't change her face: "My girlfriend is a fan of the God of Kings. The main purpose of her coming today is to observe the men of the God of God up close. Defeated."

Su Su: "..."

Orange Aguang: "..." Can you not mention a headshot?

Orange Aguang has been in his career for two years. Where did he ever run into a person with such a poisonous mouth and a cracked smile on his face. He was so angry that he laughed backwards and looked down at the girl next to him: "Girl, if he really It's your boyfriend, so you have to pay attention in the future. This society can't live by just a few words."

Su Su didn't answer this, and said honestly: "Captain Orange, you may not know, my boyfriend achieved the small goal of tens of thousands of monthly income by playing tricks."

His fans used to play with clouds and arrows as fireworks. Su Su had a sudden rise and secretly checked the card given to her by classmate Lu. She remembered how many zeros she had forgotten in it.

Orange Aguang: "..." What's the matter with the man and woman? Did they go with him?

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and it was his practice calling. Cheng Ah couldn't take care of those who didn't. He passed the small alley while holding the mobile phone.

Before leaving, he paused slightly, and turned around to smile at Su Su: "Just like your boyfriend's temper, I lose if I can be with him for three months. If you break up, remember to send me a message on Weibo."

Su Su: "..." This man was afraid that it was not against her, he didn't forget to dig a hole for her before he left.

The sky was getting dark, and there was one less obtrusive, as if even the surroundings were quiet.

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