176. The past.

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Luo Qing, before the age of sixteen, was actually not the cool sister character she is now.

Dad cheated, and mother didn't hurt her mother. Luo mother was often angry with her father, but she used her to vent her anger. Living in such an environment, even if the family conditions are better than ordinary people, the fear is buried in her bones. .

She was very similar to Su Su at that time.

In fact, there is still a difference, Su Su Ruannuo, but even if she is afraid of something, she will face up to the difficulties. She has a very likable character.

But she can't. From elementary school to high school, she has always been a coward living in the dark.

In the first year of high school, I accidentally met Chen Guang. At that time, he was the first grade in their school and the quasi-city champion.

He pulled her up, with a smile in his eyes: "So your name is Luo Qing, I heard they call you Aqing or Qingqing, but I want to be special, so I will call you Luo Luo from now on."


Chen Guang has a good personality and loves to play basketball. He has always been a male god in school. He is a sunny and cheerful boy as the outside world has said.

He would make her happy when she was unhappy. When he saw her being bullied by a girl in the class, he would be the first to stand up and support her. Chen Guang is too dazzling. She hates her family and socializes. That little fear, in front of him, there is nowhere to hide.

Chen Guang often said to her: "Loluo, Luoluo, you have to be brave."

At that time Luo Qing liked Chen Guang, but he still complained a little bit in her heart.

The teenager is too hot, like a fire, and the hot people's hearts are dull.

But he didn't understand anything.

When she was young, whether a boy or a girl, the confidence came from the family in the final analysis, the family had never given her the confidence, so how could she expect Luo Qing to be brave.

But when I thought about it, there would always be such a little sun by her side, and a shy smile appeared on her lips.

Being brave, it doesn't seem so difficult.

Until the first half semester of high school, a sudden change broke the peace between the two.

One day after school in the afternoon, Luo Qing was entangled by a gangster and he was blocked in a dark alley.

What happened that day, except for amnesia, Luo Qing may not forget her in her life, the man's wild treacherous smile mixed with her choking sound.

--very disgusting.

I don't know how long Chen Guang finally came. He rescued her. The young man's eyes were filled with fire, and he beat the gangster all over his body with blood. He didn't care about the color on his face, and he wanted to kill someone. It's fierce, and those who see it are terrified.

The boy didn't let go of his fist until she made a sound.

Chen Guang lowered his eyes and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of the girl's eyes, his fingertips trembled slightly, his heart seemed to be grabbed by a pair of invisible big hands, and even his breathing was filled with pain.

He said dumbly, "Luo Luo, don't be afraid."

How could Luo Qing not be afraid, the whole person's fear had reached the extreme, she couldn't wait to shrink herself into a place that no one could find.

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