98. There is no mine in my house.

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Sitting in the front is Xu Zhiyang and Chen Yu, and there is no one behind, but the trash can.

Xu Zhiyang felt that his father Xiaoye was getting more and more showy.

Hear this, but no serious man can say it.

Su Su's brain was also slow for a moment.

Just try and you will find out.

Is that what she understood?

The liar brother wanted to be a fan, but he even screamed at her in front of Xu Zhiyang and the trash can.

In this case, should she pretend not to understand or not?

Su Su fell into entanglement.

After Lu Xiao finished speaking, he realized that he was a bit bullying.

I don't know what's going on these days. When I close my eyes at night, the girl's face is white, and even in my dreams, I can hear her soft voice calling his brother.

You are as good as you are.

Lu Xiao began to wonder if there was something wrong with his brain, after all, he had never been like this before.

On the stage, Liu Zhendong criticized his classmates who failed the exam and started his diligent teaching.

"Students can get into a college. I believe that you are all capable and wise. Don't develop the habit of being easy and evil because of the evacuation of the university courses... Be diligent and work harder. Opportunities are always reserved for you. People, but if any of you has a mine in your home, then treat this as if I didn't say it."

The students below felt very excited when they heard the previous words, until the last sentence of the instructor was finished, they followed the discouraged ball one by one, their heads down.

Hateful, they have no mines! ! !

Liu Zhendong picked up the teacup on the podium and took a sip of boiling water. Then he went on without any haste: "This Friday the school will hold a sports meet. Students who have ideas must not hide it. Activities have always been very supportive. Without a healthy body and a strong body, how can we contribute to the country?"

"Students are right?"


The students have not recovered from the stimulation just now, and their voices are also weak.

Liu Zhendong laughed when he saw this, "I can't stand this little stimulation?" His expression suddenly became serious: "Classmates, you must remember that school is the cleanest and warmest place at all times. The usual quarrels, when you leave school and go to society, you will find that it is nothing at all! This society is very cruel, and there is no good family background, which means that you have to work harder than others. If If you don't work hard, don't explore, even if you steadily mix in school until you graduate, one day you will be eliminated by this society!"

The last few words he said were very heavy, almost pressing on every student's heart.

Some students who had just dropped out of subjects were even more ashamed. Yi-Cao quickly threw the snacks into the desk, his face flushed.

He just went to school just thinking about it and relaxed, but he would fail if he didn't pay attention.

When he was easy to go to high school before, he was also one of the top students in his class!

Liu Zhendong put the expressions of his classmates into his eyes, and smiled with satisfaction: "The sports committee member will come up and get the registration form. Remember to go to the office tomorrow and give me the list."

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