137. I love my wife.

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Su Su fell asleep almost ten o'clock in this sleep, opened his eyes, and his brain was empty for a few minutes, and then he slowly got up from the bed.

At this time, Father Su was probably out for business talks, and there was still his breakfast in the microwave. After Su Su washed up, he sat in a chair and ate breakfast slowly. What happened last night was fast in his mind. Play it back again.

Because of Lu Xiao's remarks, in the eyes of those fans, she was probably an ugly and edible piglet. Thinking about this, Su Su's teeth tickled with anger, and bitterly poked his fork at the plate. Toast in the room.

Son of a bitch!

Big shit!


She scolded Lu Xiao back and forth three hundred times in her heart, and the tone in her heart went down. At this moment, the mobile phone on the dining table jingled.

Su Su glanced at the texter and grinned abruptly.

It seems that her business is still not very proficient. Last night, she only blocked WeChat. This buddy came to send a text message again to find death.

She turned on the phone, swiped up the text message and it bounced out.

{Xiaoqiang move bricks: Sumei, I was beaten by grandpa. }

Su Su was stunned. She still knows a little bit about Lu Xiao's violent grandfather. She was driven out by her family last time when it rained heavily. How long has it passed before she actually committed another crime?

Unconsciously, an indescribable distress flooded into her heart. After the consciousness came over, Su Su's face turned dark, and he snapped the phone closed.

All right, this buddy is actually playing tricks, if her Su Su is fooled again, her surname will not be Su!

About five minutes later, the phone jingled again, and the system Xiaomi issued a voice reminder: Master, you have not received an MMS~!

In these days, very few people send MMS messages, and Su Su has never used this function. If it weren't for today, she really didn't know that her mobile phone had the MMS automatic reminder function.

Su Su frowned and thought for two seconds in her heart. Her thoughts couldn't keep up with her consciousness. When she reacted, the MMS had been opened.

An arm was instantly exposed on the screen.

The young man's arm muscles are very smooth, and he usually pays attention to fitness, but this is not the point. The point is that the arm is highly swollen at this time, and the complexion is slightly whiter than in summer, which makes the bruises on the arm red and swollen. It's even more obvious, and I don't know if the pixels of the phone are too good, Su Su can even see the red bloodshot eyes.

The background of the picture is a misty construction site with rows of bricks.

{Xiaoqiang move brick: Sumei, I really did not lie to you this time. }

{Xiaoqiang move brick: Regarding the anchor, I admit that I concealed you, I...wrong, daughter-in-law, please give me a chance to admit my mistake. }

{Xiaoqiang move bricks: My wife, my arm hurts so much. }

Su Su: "..."

She blushed with shame and almost didn't jump up from the chair. Sumei she endured it. Who is his wife? !

Su Su ate this meal like a small grasshopper. She jumped around the dining table. After she calmed down, she looked at the miserable arm on the phone, had a slight meal under her eyes, and took a deep breath. .

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