95. Why are you holding me?

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Su Su didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence. The boy's chest was warm and full of strength. She poked her head out of the other's arms, "What's the situation?"

The little girl's eyes were shining, and there was a sense of ignorance in the world, as if she was asking why, why are you like this, why are you holding me--

The sun rose slowly, and the early morning sun was not too glaring. It shone on her face, her eyes were large and bright, and thousands of light seemed to flood into these eyes.

Lu Xiao stared at her and couldn't tell what she felt. The heart was swelling, and he wanted to press it down harder. Instead, it thumped more intensely. He couldn't hold it down anyway, and jumped a few times.


Lu Xiao let go of the opponent abruptly and turned to his side without looking at her, his voice stiff: "A ball flew over just now."

"If it wasn't for me--"

When he said this, he paused slightly and pointed to Wang Qianqian who was hit on the ground, "You will end up with her now."

When I said this, there was no discomfort at all, but a little more unexplainable pride.

The corners of Su Su's lips twitched slightly, before he had time to look on the battlefield.

I don't know who played that football. It can actually be kicked from the inside of the playground to the outside, which shows how strong it is.

Wang Qianqian lost the enthusiasm that had been irritating her just now, and a big red and swollen bag rose on her head. She fell on her side with tears in her eyes, looking at Lu Xiao with that kind of angry eyes.

It's a bit miserable.

The boy shouted just now and squeezed out of the crowd, and his voice was anxious and panting: "Sorry, I used too hard when I just kicked it. This ball sprang out of the crowd--"

The man grew tall and showed his small teeth when he laughed, showing a sincere attitude.

Wang Qianqian held her forehead and yelled at him angrily: "Does an apology work?"

"You are not the one who was smashed. I can't stand to speak, and my back hurts. My feet are also broken!"

The students around started talking again.

"Although the school girl is a bit arrogant, what she said is true."

"Anyone who gets hit inexplicably will get angry?"

"But is it necessary? People didn't mean it..."


The boy scratched his head in embarrassment, "Or, should I carry you to the infirmary?"

He said that Wang Qianqian should be helped up, no matter what, he was indeed the one who killed him.

The classmates gasped.

"Ho! Good fellow--"

"It turns out to be a body greedy for school girls!"

"Using this kind of method to get close to the school girl!"



"Scheming man!"


The boy was embarrassed at first, but what everyone said was embarrassing. He just played a football and accidentally hit someone, how could he become a scheming boy who is greedy for school.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I'm not that I didn't! The football was driving in a straight line. I saw clearly from a distance just now. It was another female classmate who was supposed to hit it. Fortunately, she hid in time..."

This hit Wang Qianqian.

Wang Qianqian threw away the boy's hand in irritation, and glanced over the innocent Su Su who was on the side. Her teeth were itchy in her heart, and she looked at Lu Xiao, "Why didn't you remind me just now?"

"It's too late." Lu Xiao said in a brief horror.

Wang Qianqian was almost crying, pointing to Su Su beside her, her eyes flushed, as if she had caught the wife who was fucking the mistress outside, "You have the time to save her and remind me?"

Lu Xiao stopped talking now.

His eyelashes were lowered and his face was indifferent, as if detached from the world.

The classmates around accidentally watched the whole show, ho ho ho ho--

Xiaoye is merciless!

The school flowers are really miserable!


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