152. I am a man.

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For Lu Xiao, it was really incredible that the little girlfriend was suddenly released from his father-in-law.

Regarding the character of his father-in-law, what he knows most is loving his daughter.

It is really rare for a father to openly grab crabs in a large court just to bring his daughter to eat.

The mutton was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside by Lu Xiao. Su Su eased up now, took a bite, and said as he ate, "That woman has come to my house."

"That woman" in her mouth, Lu Xiao almost instantly thought of the previous time at the school gate.

Su Su's nominal mother, Ms. Yang.

He turned the meat on the pan and asked in a calm tone as much as possible: "Your father didn't drive her away?"

Carrying this Su Su, he got angry, pursed his lips and said, "He is too soft-hearted, and sometimes he is a little confused. If he didn't rush, he paid her back."

The corners of Lu Xiao's lips twitched slightly and gave her the freshly roasted beef.

"It's quite unclear." He commented.

As a result, his girlfriend glared at him: "You are not allowed to say that to my dad!"

Lu Xiao: "..." Really fuck.

Su Su was a little embarrassed when he finished roaring. After a meal, Lu Xiao's roasted meat went into her stomach, and in the end, she was still murderous. There is a way to pick up the bowls and chopsticks to eat, and put down the chopsticks to scold him send.

She was a little unnatural, and quickly lowered her head, as if nothing happened.

Play stupid at this time.

Lu Xiao didn't take it seriously, and he got used to eating too much in front of his girlfriend.

What he was thinking right now was to find an opportunity to teach the woman a lesson in these two days.

After all, she is Su Su's mother, if she really didn't care, she wouldn't be so sad. He also met his little girlfriend, only to realize that not all mothers in this world would love their children for no reason.

Lu Xiao was even more uncomfortable thinking about this.

His girlfriend is so cute and cute, why doesn't that woman like her?

As soon as she looked up, she saw the little girl put down her chopsticks and leaned on the seat behind her with a satisfied expression.

Lu Xiao couldn't help but smiled dullly.

Su Su remembered that incident when he was full, and raised his eyes to look at him curiously: "Brother, you were on the road just now, where did you want to take me?"

Lu Xiao: "Will you go to watch the game?"

He bought this ticket at the beginning of the event.

The pubg winter game is held in their city. As long as people who love the e-sports circle, they will rarely be distracted. It feels like a singer who is going to have a concert and is told that he will appear in his city. That kind of throbbing feeling, even after a long time, the residual heat is still surging.

Su Su was startled, and hesitated: "pubg?"

Lu Xiao nodded.

Su Su doesn't know much about this circle, if it weren't for the roommates of those silly girls, and a boyfriend who loves gaming, she probably hadn't even heard of it.

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