189. Brother, You Ask For Blessings.

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Lu Xiao was in a big fire.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say that. Lu Xiao was originally a celebrity at University A. He used to be famous for absenteeism and fights, but this time he is famous for his skills.

No one can connect the ignorant school bully with the invincible lord in Fighting Bird TV.

In the school post bar, all posts with vocabulary such as Lu Xiao, Xiaoshen Schoolmaster, etc. have basically become the most popular posts of A University.

Just click in on a post is like this-

{The school bully is actually my idol? ! ! ! }

{Fuck it! How could he be the God of Kings! ! ! }

A student from the Department of Finance and Lu Xiao in the same class typed this paragraph on his mobile phone--

{When I first started school, I really didn't like classmates like Lu Xiao. They were all students. He was the only one who was unconventional. He didn't teach in class and didn't write papers. At that time, I was secretly mocking in my heart. God, what kind of garlic. If you can beat the invincible hand in the circle like a man, not only will I not complain about your skipping class, but I will also stand up and applaud for you, saying that this class is a good escape, this class is wonderful, and you should always skip class every day. , Let's just take a break from school, go back to the e-sports circle to hold a gold medal and shine for the motherland. }

{Now that the school bully is the King of King himself, my face is like this. /Picture picture picture}

Attached are three pictures of hunk men's faces being severely beaten and swollen.

{Hahahahahahahahahaha! The master is really miserable! }

{What does this prove? When you come out, you have to pay it back. }

{I am also in the finance class! I don't know how to face the school bully's face anymore... But I think again, even before, I dare not look directly at the school bully's face! ! ! }

{Actually, thinking about it another way, it's not surprising that Xiao Shen is a school tyrant. Have you forgotten that Lu Xiao was the number one champion in our city back then. How stupid the people who can test the city will be? }

{It's not that he doesn't study, he just spends his time studying in the game, so that there will be a owl god worshipped by five million fans. After all, no one's time is brought by the wind...}

This comment was extremely pertinent, and a large group of people followed suit.

Xiao God's wife fan cried in the storm in the forum--

{I'm so stupid, really. Just two days after the school bully fell in love, Xiao Shen officially announced that he had a girlfriend. That look that the whole world knows that he can't wait to promote, let alone the temperament of our school bully! }

{Ah ah! I'm dumped! ! ! /Crying and crying}

{Woo...What kind of shock is this? My husband is gone...}

{The one upstairs still dare to call her husband, and I'm not afraid that the owl god will see you directly and attack you? }

{But having said that, Xiao Shen is really super handsome in the City Tournament! ! ! }


As soon as Lu Xiao entered the class, he received the attention of all the classmates.

When he entered the class before, his classmates all wished to retract their heads into their necks, as if they were afraid that he would be able to twist people's heads to make ice cream cones if he was upset.

This time it was different. The class forty and fifty students all raised their heads and looked at him together, the lethality is undoubtedly huge.

If you have to use a fan-shaped statistical chart for planning, it is three points shock, four points worship, and three points of awe.

Lu Xiao was shocked by his brain replenishment, and sighed that the soap opera recommended by Ms. Gu was really amazing. No longer caring about the various eyes, he walked slowly to his girlfriend and took a seat.

After becoming a celebrity on campus, Lu Xiao's life is no different from before. The breakfast he should bring to his girlfriend is a lot, and he didn't take down any of the courses he should review. He went back to play games at night, bring fans, and live a small life. To be plain and fulfilling.

What surprised Lu Xiao most was that Lao Liu's attitude toward him changed drastically.

In the past, every time he took Mao's class, either Liu was pissed off by him, or he was punished to death by copying textbooks. Now, Lu Xiao feels what it means to be warm like a spring breeze here in Lao Liu, and also enjoys the same treatment as his junior champion.

From the podium, Liu Zhendong cast a loving look at him from time to time.

Lu Xiao's startled goose bumps were all up, and he whispered, "Sister Su, have you found our counselor a bit weird lately?"

Su Su's eyes were confused: "Which aspect do you mean?"

During the review period, Mao's class was over long ago. Liu Zhendong casually drew the key points with his classmates and walked off the stage with his hands behind his back.

Wherever he went, every classmate was endorsing and reviewing cleverly, and Liu Zhendong nodded in satisfaction. It is worthy of the fact that he has led the students for almost half a year, which is justified.

As soon as I walked behind Classmates Lu and Su, and wanted to visit the two of them recently, I saw Classmate Lu Xiao pointing to his brain and said in a serious tone: "I think Lao Liu's brain is a bit different recently. Normal, don't say you smiled at me before, it's good to have a lesson without irony that I can reincarnate, and the rest is useless...Look at him now, he smiles and speaks softly to me, it's not something wrong. What..."

Liu Zhendong: "..."

Su Su sensitively noticed that there was a sharp gaze behind him, and when he turned his face, he saw the counselor's face darkened, staring at her and Lu Xiao with heavy eyes.

The students in the class are reciting the main points of Mao's speech aloud with noisy voices.

She swallowed her saliva and tried to remedy: "Student Lu, I think what you said was wrong. Teacher Liu was harsh on you before... In fact, he... He was inspiring you! You see, the final exam is about to go now, Teacher Liu Fearing that you will be discouraged and disappointed, I switched to another education method..."

No matter how much, Su Su couldn't make up anymore, and Lu Xiao couldn't listen anymore. He frowned and sneered, "Okay, stop talking."

"I don't know what kind of person Lao Liu is? I think he is waiting for me 80% of the time..." When Lu Xiao said this, he smiled triumphantly: "Fortunately, I am smart, no matter what he does, I don't want to put on it."

Su Su: "..." Brother, I have said all the good things, so please ask for more blessings.

Lu Xiao saw that the girl looked at herself with that expression of indescribable expression, and was a little puzzled: "Sister Su, what's wrong with you?"

Before he could ask a few more questions, his left shoulder collapsed, and someone behind him patted his shoulder with that kind of no light or heavy force.

Lu Xiao's brain stopped working for two seconds, and the smug smile on his face also closed.

He slowly turned around and saw Lao Liu's black face of Bao's father. At this time, he showed a very kind smile: "Student Lu, it seems that you know me quite well. In your eyes, what is the teacher like? people?"

Lu Xiao: "..." Fuck it.

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