77. Sister, don't play with male vixen.

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Blame it's scary.

Su Su shook her shoulders and said harmlessly, "Student Lu, what do you think I do?"

Lu Xiao was silent slightly.

There was a sense of inexplicability in my heart.

It was the first time I was cared so bluntly by others, and it was also the first time I was so bluntly...maintained.

It was the first time in Lu Xiao's short nineteen years that she stood behind Renmai like a maiden, and Su Su looked like a warrior, standing in front of him.

She is just a little soft girl with zero force.

When Lu Xiao thought of this, he felt like a fire flooded into his chest, which made him feel hot from the bottom up.

"Su Su," he called her, his eyes brightened surprisingly.

Su Su thought to himself that this social brother was being scolded for being stupid, and she nodded.

"I'm here."

Lu Xiao was tickled by her gaze, turned sideways, and said, "I was at the noodle restaurant just now, and that person called me a little white face."

Su Su felt very angry when he heard this mention. The brother moving bricks is full of sunshine, and it has absolutely nothing to do with that kind of pugnacious little white face!

"Student Lu, don't listen to his nonsense!" she said with a sullen face.

Reminiscent of the life experience of Brother Zhanzhuan, I couldn't help feeling a little pity in my heart.

Lu Xiao gave a hum, and his eyes never left her: "My family's situation... You know, you can't dislike me and be friends with me, I'm very happy."

He speaks in a low tone, leaving enough room for human brains.

Su Su's heart is about to melt. Girls are actually a very strange creature. No matter their age, they are born with a motherly heart, otherwise there will not be so many mother fans in the entertainment industry.

Obviously so many years younger than other celebrities, and still a bite, the intimacy really makes outsiders speechless and ashamed.

A touch of pity flashed in her eyes, "Student Lu, not everyone can choose from family background. Don't look at my family's mine now. Actually...My family's life was also very difficult, so don't skip class in the future. , Play less games and read more books, you will surely end up in pain..."

The little girl's mouth was like a machine gun, she kept banging, and Lu Xiao was able to respond very seriously at first, but afterwards, she was all perfunctory.

Seeing that she had a tendency to talk more and more intensely, he quickly stopped talking, "Su Su, I want you to promise me one thing."

Su Su spoke, and blinked at him.

Then I listened to the young man saying in that kind of disappointment: "Can you stop that male fox... the anchor will pierce the arrow. The water in that circle is really deep. As a half circle insider, I really I am worried that you will be cheated by others."

"You are also the younger sister I recognized halfway, Su Su, who have you ever seen who is an older brother will not love your sister?"

"Sister, give me a chance."

Su Su: "..."

I don't know why, she always feels that the social brother is acting like a baby at her.

Su Su fiercely shattered the thought, and took a breath and said, "I promise you."

Anyway, she brushed him in private and couldn't see it.

Lu Xiao got the promise and couldn't help but smile.

He raised his hand and squeezed the tip of the little girl's nose, and said lazily, "Let's go, brother will take you home."

Su Su listened to the other party's leisurely tone, inexplicably feeling like he was being taken in by himself.

She grinds her teeth gently and makes a face at the young man's back.

If you don't learn well in this society, you can seduce her if you do bad things!

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