144. No one wants a wild horse.

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Su Su left without looking back.

Lu Xiao asked himself if he wanted to change to him, he would definitely not be as straightforward as her.

Thinking of the day when he was holding her in the other's community, the girl's voice was dissatisfied: "Student Lu, hug it lightly, don't crush my candy."

He lowered his head again, the candy tray was empty, lying alone beside the table and chairs, the candy fell all over the floor, all in a mess.

This kind of strong sense of drop is really unstoppable.

He cursed in a low voice, walked a few steps forward, picked up the candy box, then bent down and put the candy back into the box.

Some candies rolled far away, as if they were going to be against Lu Xiao, they were still stuck in the middle of the legs of the table and chair. A man as big as him had to tilt his body and arms and hook the candies with his fingers. When he came out, the candy was stained with dust. He wiped the corner of his clothes and put it back into the fruit box.

There were a total of one hundred and one, and Lu Xiao picked it up without losing one.

He stood up and looked at the table next to his legs. He only felt that the more he looked at it, the more obstructive he got, and he couldn't resist raising his leg and kicking it.

The table swayed twice and didn't fall.

The more Lu Xiao looked, the more annoying he got, and he made a phone call with his roommate with his back on his desk.

"Er Yang, call Chen Yu, Yuan Xin and the others, and come out for a drink."

Xu Zhiyang listened to his sound of squeezing the fire, and then remembered what had happened in the class just now. He didn't dare to ask, he gave a smooth answer.

So the group went to the restaurant of the school's owner Li Xiaojian.

The owner is extremely flexible. He opens a barbecue restaurant in summer. In winter, he knows that no one wants to sit outside and eat kebabs, so he focuses on lamb stew with noodles and mutton soup. In winter, a bowl is absolutely nourishing.

So it makes sense for people to earn one million a year.

When it was time for dinner, several people ordered food and wine, and the three of Xu Zhiyang started winking.

Yuan Xin: The situation is not good!

Chen Yu: Brother Xiao had a fight with his sister-in-law?

Xu Zhiyang: Do you still have to ask? Look at the candy box on the table, it's obviously not sent out!

Xu Zhiyang: I didn't send it out, but it was cheaper for us.

He glanced at the candy on the table, but Lu Xiao looked back coldly.

Xu Zhiyang's heart was abrupt, and he laughed at the face, and asked for words: "Brother Xiao, this candy on your table is pretty delicate, can I taste one?"

As he said, he touched his hand into the sugar box on the table. As soon as he touched a corner, his hand was patted back.

Lu Xiao held the candy box in his arms and looked at him blankly, "Are you worthy?"

Xu Zhiyang: "..."

Xu Zhiyang said angrily: "Lu Xiao, why don't you give your brother face so much? You're just like you are two to eight hundred thousand dollars, no wonder my sister-in-law ignores you!"

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere solidified slightly.

It's no wonder that men are all dogs. When they are angry, they dare to go outside, and they even poke into death according to your pain.

First Love is a Sandwich Candy (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now