146. Reconciliation.

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Lu Xiao suddenly felt that Su Su was born to restrain him.

When she cried, he twitched in his heart. She said something nice and his whole world was full of pink flowers.

How could there be such a person?

Lu Xiao took a deep breath, and his voice seemed to be grind from his throat, extremely dry and dumb: "Susu, I will try to be a qualified boyfriend."

Su Su listened, poked his head out of his arms, with red eyes, and asked angrily, "Really?"

This kind of thing this buddy has done really makes people doubt the truthfulness of his words.

Lu Xiao nodded, straightened his lips and said, "If I commit another crime next time, you will use a whip to slap me."

After thinking about it, he added: "Never fight back."

The corners of Su Su's lips rose slightly, but she was soon pressed down, and she muttered, "I'm not that kind of violent girl, why would I use a whip to slap you..."

"By the way, Classmate Lu, this Friday is my birthday. What style of whip are you going to give me?"

Lu Xiao: "..." How did she even think about the style.

In the cold wind, the little girl in her arms sneezed.

Lu Xiao let go of her and said in a low voice, "Go back, it's windy outside."

The dormitory will close at ten thirty.

Su Su rubbed the tip of his nose and made a sound.

The little girl was born too cute, her eyes were wet, Lu Xiao's heart was itchy when she saw it, she wanted to kiss, but restrained, took out the candy tray that had been clamped on the side of her arm, opened the lid, and took out a pill from it. , Tore open the sugar paper, raised his finger, and said, "Eat."

"Your candies are all yours." He repeated.

Su Su looked at the candy on the young man's fingertips, and his cheeks turned red at the first glance. This buddy is quite good at playing, but he still wants to feed her.

She didn't hesitate much, lowered her head, and put the sugar in her mouth with her mouth.

On the way, the tip of her tongue inevitably touched his finger, her lips were soft, and Lu Xiao's fingertips quivered like a spasm, and then she retracted.

He thought the girl would take the candy away, but he didn't expect her to eat it directly...

Lu Xiao swears with flushed ears, this is definitely not his intention.

This candy has gone through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and finally returned to its original owner.

Lu Xiao just breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to go back when he heard the other person say: "Wait a minute."

The heart that he had just let go of was raised in an instant. Doesn't this girl want to regret breaking up with him?

If this is the case, then he will pretend to be deaf and wait until she is no longer separated before returning to normal...

While Su Su's face was stern, he didn't forget to lick the candy in his mouth, and said seriously: "The final exam is more than a month away. You can't mess around like before."

Lu Xiao heard it, his eyes darkened slightly.

Su Su stared at him and said with a long voice: "I will try to be a qualified man..."

"I promise you."

Lu Xiao said these words almost gritted his teeth.

Su Su is satisfied now.

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