73. Beautiful Misunderstanding.

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Lu Xiao took the paper and walked to the seat, and whispered to the girl on the side.

"do not worry."

Su Su Mang, who was writing the paper, raised his head in confusion, "?"

So this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

After sitting down, the brother moved bricks and began to write swiftly, and even Su Su couldn't help but look at him as he worked hard.

Lu Xiao felt the gaze from the side, raised his eyebrows, and smiled lazily, "Want to copy me?"

Su Su's complexion was slightly stiff, and the corners of her smiling lips tended to crack.

She wants to copy him?

Unless her brain is broken.

"It is forbidden to whisper in the examination room!" The invigilator glanced at Lu Xiao and said in a solemn voice.


There were not many courses in the freshman year, and the test was finished in one day. When the papers were handed in, the whole class could not help but cheer loudly.

"Finally it's a holiday!"

"Bali, I am coming!"

"There are so many people on vacation, I didn't even grab a ticket!"

A classmate complained angrily.

"Fortunately, I made a reservation in advance, and I can go to city b to see my girlfriend tomorrow~!"

When the student said this, it could be said that it caused a lot of anger.

They are all freshmen who have just arrived for a few months. They have not even pulled the opposite sex. This classmate has a girlfriend!

Xu Zhiyang jumped from his seat at some point, "Brother Xiao, are you going back on holiday?"

Lu Xiao glanced at him and said quietly, "Do you think I can go back?"

Xu Zhiyang couldn't help shivering when he thought of his grandpa who started fighting when he didn't agree with him.

After finishing the call, I glanced at Su Su who was organizing the books next to him, and moved in his heart, smiling and saying hello: "Little fairy, you don't have a boyfriend, what do you think of me...why--"

Before the last word was spoken, he felt a pain in his calf, and the pain made him scream while holding his calf.

Fortunately, most of the people in the class had left at this time, and no one saw him as embarrassed.

Xu Zhiyang said angrily, "Lu Xiao, what are you doing kicking me?!"

Isn't it just a joke? Is this guy so cruel?

Lu Xiao stood up and said blankly, "You are blocking my way."

Xu Zhiyang dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, and made a way for him. Su Su hadn't seen such a way of getting along before, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Little fairy, do you have a boyfriend?" Xu Zhiyang asked unwillingly.

In fact, he didn't ask this for himself. At any rate, he and Lu Xiao are roommates in a dormitory. It's unclear who the other party likes and doesn't like.

It happened that a straight boy still couldn't figure out his clues. It was time for him, a good roommate, to assist him.

Lu Xiao, who had just walked to the door of the classroom, stopped unconsciously.

Su Su put the last book into her bag and said slowly: "No."

Worried that the boy suddenly said "How do you feel about me without you", Su Su quickly added: "But I already have someone I like."

Xu Zhiyang lay his head all over, and said in shock, "Who is he, which way is it?"

"He is a very handsome male anchor with a very nice voice."

After Su Su finished speaking, he unconsciously made up the face of Brother Zhuanzhu in his head, and subconsciously looked at the door.

I saw the other party with a cold face, staring at her blankly.

Su Su blinked and looked back innocently.


The assist failed.

Xu Zhiyang couldn't help but gasped, and whispered secretly.

I thought it was a beautiful love story deliberately by Lang Youqing's concubine, but I didn't expect their Xiaoye to be unrequited love.

While Xu Zhiyang was heartbroken, he was filled with shameful chuckles. It seemed that the money could not be sent out.

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