107. Her brother Lu.

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Su Su was lying in bed at night, a little awake.

As soon as I closed my eyes, the young man's face appeared in his mind with his eyes down, trying to touch.

The liar brother is really handsome when he can neither deceive nor harm people. When he looks at her, his eyes are a little tender, and his pupils are shining with fine light, as if the scum and hostility all over his body have faded. It is very attractive and very attractive. It's hard to imagine.

Does Lu Xiao like her?

As soon as this idea came into being, Su Su straightened up with a carp and straightened up from the hard board.

Stop teasing. How could a arrogant tongue like Lu Xiao like her? He sees her as fun and interesting at best. When he is bored, he will be like teasing a cat, just like teasing her. Boys, how could they like people.


Su Su awoke her opponent Luo Qing in such a mess. The dream she had just had was shocked. Luo Qing patted Su Su's head with a little uncomfortable feeling, "Hurry up and go to bed, you will have a game tomorrow. !"

Su Su, a group favorite who has never been violently violent by a dormitory person: "..."

She clutched her head and lay back aggrieved.


Saturday was another sunny day. I told Su's father that there were activities in the school and would not go home this week. Su Su changed into sportswear and went to the playground one after another with his roommates.

The sports meeting was held for two consecutive days. The audience on the second day was much smaller than yesterday, but this did not affect the enthusiasm of the students. The cheering voices around the track were still deafening.

"Susu, that's three kilometers! If you can't do it, why don't you just abstain?" Lu Yao said with a bitter face, "I feel dizzy when I look at this track. You can abstain with peace of mind, I promise no one. I'm laughing at you!"

Luo Qing frowned, "Yaoyao, what are you talking about?"

Lu Yao pursed her lips, "I'm also worried about the crispness..."

You must know that in the previous sports test, she was just as dead when she came down 800 meters. Now Su Su is three kilometers! A number that is soft just to hear.

Su Su coughed dryly, "Yaoyao, don't worry about me, I can really do it."

Lu Yao didn't hear the words of Su Su's textual research yesterday, and her eyes were suspicious.

Su Su didn't explain, as the referee urged on the microphone, she stood on the track, subconsciously raising her head to look into the audience.

no one.

Su Su lowered his eyes, feeling unspeakable loss in his heart.

Yesterday, she cheered for the social brother like a idiot, but he was good, and even if she didn't cheer for her, even no one came! ! !

Su Su felt that she was a real loss.

She was aggrieved in her heart, and she unilaterally decided to sever the sibling relationship with the social brother. At this moment, she heard someone calling her from behind.

"Su Su."

The sound was not loud, and it brought the low and a little laziness that teenagers were used to, and Su Su heard the person almost instantly.

It's the brother moving bricks, the male anchor, and her... brother Lu.

Su Su's lips twitched, and there was a smile on her face that even she hadn't noticed.

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