142. Lu Xiao, you bastard!

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Did you miss Lu Xiao?

Su Su didn't know.

When she recovered, she had already walked to Chen Guang Internet Cafe.

Looking at the door of the Internet cafe in front of her, she took a deep breath.

The boyfriend is a social brother who loves to play Internet cafes every day without learning and skill, and feeling is with feeling, but for the future of this buddy, I still have to persuade a few words.

The Internet cafe is still the familiar Internet cafe, and the boss is still the boss who owes it.

"Turn on the machine or find someone?" Chen Guang nestled in his chair for the elderly and asked without looking up when he heard the door opening.

To avoid being humiliated again, Su Su stood on tiptoe and waved at him: "Hello, I'm here to find Lu Xiao."

Chen Guang's drooping eyelids lifted up in an instant, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes when he saw the person coming.

He has a bad memory, but he recognized the girl in front of him at a glance, and subconsciously asked, "Little beauty, how many seconds will your counselor reach the battlefield?"

Su Su: "..."

Chen Guang coughed: "My internet cafe is a small business, but I can't stand the arrests over and over again."

Su Su said with a dull face: "This time it was not the counselor who sent me here. I was looking for him."

Chen Guang still didn't know what happened to Lu Xiao and this little girl. He took it for granted that the girl was chasing him, and smiled and pointed her direction: "Go inside, Unit 38." "

Chen Guang was very impressed by this girl's Natong performance in his Internet cafe last time. These years, such an interesting little girl is really rare.

Su Su went to the direction where Lu Xiao was in accordance with the instructions, but the mood of the two visits to the Internet cafe was different.

Last time it was to help the teacher catch the classmates back to school, this time I was worried that my boyfriend would be depressed in the Internet cafe.

After seven o'clock in the morning, it was the most deserted time in the Internet cafe. There were few people in it. Su Su saw Lu Xiao sitting in front of the computer almost instantly.

He wears headphones on his ears and his eyes never leave the screen. The corners of his lips tightly pressed down to see that the master is not in a good mood, and his face is indifferent, almost blending with the black on the background wall.

It is hard to imagine that depression and concentration can suddenly appear on a person.

Su Su looked at him and couldn't tell what it was like.

It's like being bitten by a mosquito, a bit astringent.

She pursed her lips and walked slowly towards the other party.

Anyone who knows Lu Xiao knows that he is not a good-tempered person, because of his personality. Except for Xu Zhiyang and the others, this school bully really has few friends. Friends of the opposite sex and girlfriends of the opposite sex are just like Su Su. .

He tapped and clicked the mouse to return to the interface lobby. Unconsciously, the little girl's face appeared in his mind, and his expression swayed slightly.

I don't know what Su Su is doing.

She is a little girl who loves to study very much, and she has not finished studying on her own now. With her passion for learning, she is afraid that she is still reading in the classroom.

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