158. Spicy Boiled Fish.

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Lu Xiao's kiss was not the same as usual, it came fiercely, grinding her lips, hugging her very tightly, as if she wanted to merge the person with him.

Su Su's eyes rounded, and before she could react, a slight pain came from her lips--


This bastard actually bit her lip.

It was like being pierced by a needle, a dense and small pain spread, and it didn't hurt for a few seconds. It didn't bite, and he breathed in his breath.

Lu Xiao kissed her for a long time before letting go.

Lu Xiao felt that he really hated Su Su too much.

This mushroom secretly sent Qiubo in front of other men in front of him. He originally wanted to punish her well and let her know how mighty and uncomfortable her man is, but he never expected that he...reluctant.

She didn't even dare to bite hard, lest she hurt.

Su Su covered her mouth, and the mist appeared in her eyes in the next second, staring at him with accusing eyes.

Lu Xiao said blankly, "Don't pretend, I didn't try hard at all."

Su Su: "..."

Su Su stopped crying immediately.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" She whispered.

Lu Xiao lowered his eyes, looking at the dazed little girl in front of him.

"Why is it called Orange Aguang?" He paused and said lukewarmly, "Why call him Brother Guang."

Su Su replied quickly: "The fans just called it that way!"

Lu Xiao only felt more depressed.

Obviously, when I first entered the field, I still had a mouthful of the owl god as my idol. After a while, this guy betrayed.

Little traitor.

He sneered: "I haven't seen enough?"

"Then do you want me to take you closer?"

The man also stood a little farther and looked like a human being. When he got closer, it wouldn't be the case. He might stay up late and drink heavily, and put his body away.

By the time Su Su pondered his aftertaste, the boy was already far away.

He called the car and stood by the side of the road waiting.

Su Su trot all the way to keep up.

Within two minutes, the car came. Su Su got on the car and rolled his lips and said, "Brother, do you think the direction of this car is like going to the spicy shop in the city?"

Lu Xiao turned his face and glanced at her.

He said leisurely: "No, let's eat boiled fish."

Su Su: "..." Lu Xiao, the stinky bastard bastard! ! !

Su Su didn't eat the Mala Tang that he wanted to eat, and Su Su's expression was also pulled down, both of them sighed, and no one paid any attention.

In fact, many people have misunderstandings about boiled fish. They feel that they are tasteless when they hear the name. It is not the case. This is the most famous dish in C city. Pick out the freshest live fish, the cooked meat is tender and smooth, and sprinkled with a layer of red pepper, nourishing and flavorful.

The two sat down face to face.

Lu Xiao raised his eyes and saw the little girl looking around, left and right, just not looking at him.

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