30. Men's medal

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Seeing Su Su's humiliated face called the master, Lu Xiao seemed to be able to get through the six pulses of Ren Du, and he couldn't tell the comfort of him.

What a lessonless thing!

He went back to the dormitory with wet hair and wet clothes, but still couldn't stop Lu Xiao's good mood.

Xu Zhiyang saw his clothes soaked, and the whole figure was generally salvaged from the water. He was surprised and said: "Brother Xiao, are you falling into water ?!"

Lu Xiao changed her clothes, and was wiping her hair at the moment. When she heard it, she squinted at the other party: "What do you know, this is a man's medal."

Probably because of where Su Su had been emaciated for a long time, Lu Xiao only took advantage of it a little, and felt that he could regain his glory again. It was the evil demon tyrant who wanted the wind and the rain to pull the school bully.

Xu Zhiyang: "..." He really didn't understand what the man's medal had to do with the water drop.


In the clear blue sky, the poisonous sun shines on every corner of the a, the heat is unremarkable, and the military training is as scheduled.

The school leaders stood on the stage and gave a heated speech. The freshmen in camouflage uniforms under the stage clapped their heads one by one, pouting as if they could bolt their donkeys.

"This ghost weather is really too hot !!!" Lu Yao whispered softly. At home, he was a spoiled baby, where did he suffer from this kind of suffering.

Su Su mournfully followed suit, thinking that he would train for half a month in such weather, and felt dizzy.

There are coverings on the platform, and the leader can't feel the great sun. The so-called standing without speaking back pain probably comes from this.

It was almost two hours after the leaders had finished speaking. As in previous years, the instructors had drawn lots to decide which class to bring, and the military training officially began.

"Hello everyone, I am your instructor during military training, Zheng Zeming."

Most of the new instructors come from the armed police, and have been trained by many demons who are hard to imagine. Zheng Zeming is also one of them.

But soon the students in the finance class realized that they were thinking too much.

The students in the financial class applauded the face, and then the team began to rank in accordance with the height. Su Su stood in the middle of Luyao and Luo Qing. The high and low sides of the two sides just formed a curve.

"Yaoyao, I think I can change positions." Su Su whispered.

Lu Yao: "It's okay, I'm not allowed to let the instructors be blind. If you leave, how much fun should I have with Qingqing, is it Qingqing?"

Luo Qing nodded.

It's also good to watch little roommates being cute while idle.

Although Zheng Zeming was far away, his ear strength was excellent. Hearing this, his brows were wrinkled, and he stopped in front of the three girls.

On the far side, Lu Xiao heard the movement, turned his head slightly, and looked towards Su Su.

Zheng Zeming looked at the three female classmates in front of him. When he saw the three people, either blank or calm, he looked at Su Su.

He smiled when he looked at her: "This little classmate is quite funny. The short ones are almost caught in the ground and dare to stand in the middle. Who gave you the courage?"

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