172. I am angry! I am angry!

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Most of the young people of this generation love to play games and brush Weibo. Coupled with the skills of Xiao Shen, anyone who has played Chicken Eater is familiar with the name of Xiao Shen.

The next morning, before class time, the classmates gathered in twos and threes, and the topic centered around the God of Kings.

"Have you read the hot search yesterday? What is the situation?" A female classmate asked aloud.

"I was also shocked, how could the King King do such a thing?"

"Saw God is my idol! But what he did this time is really so bad..."

"There is one point, one thing I am really puzzled. If the owl god is really short of money, he can only make a vague expression on the live broadcast. Why don't you worry that there are no fans to pierce the cloud arrow?"

"Yeah, I really can't figure out why he wants to open Weibo to make money. I don't know whether to watch him live broadcast in the future..."

The expressions of the classmates were complicated, and their expressions were green by their wife, and my wife was dirty and unclean.

Yi Mao took the words: "I think this thing is weird. I think it's something normal people can't do this kind of thing. How could he not think about it this way and blatantly deceive him because he is a live broadcast with millions of fans? "

As soon as he said this, the classmates nodded subconsciously.

To put it bluntly, they don't want to see the male god who has been a fan for a year. They will be the kind of people who try their best to make money. If this is the case, it will be too chilling for the owl fan.

The students in the finance class are quite pertinent. As for the Internet, they have now cursed the God of Kings.

People who live unsatisfactorily in reality, relying on a keyboard on the Internet, seem to be able to walk the world.

When he got to the back, even the agent of Xiaoshen scolded him, saying that he was a nest of snakes and rats, and his anchor was such a virtue, and the agent was definitely not much better.

Motivated and maliciously spreading rumors have always been the fine qualities of these keyboard men.

Douniao Entertainment has just intervened in the investigation, even if it wants to find out the truth, there must be a process of relief.

At night, male dormitories.

Xu Zhiyang wore big slippers, pacing back and forth in the dormitory: "I'm so angry! I'm so angry! I want to see which thing is not long-eyed pretending to be Xiaoye, forget about pretending, and fucking openly. Lie, such a person should pay eighteen dollars!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't think it was enough, so he added viciously: "Finally, I will cut a thousand swords!"

Lu Xiao leaned on the chair and pressed his eyebrow bones, his tone was still calm: "If you don't turn around for a while, I'm almost fainted by you."

Only then did Xu Zhiyang put his feet back and leaned on the bed rail and asked, "Master Xiao, how is the investigation going, is there any news?"

Lu Xiao shook his head, "How could it be so fast."

Chen Yu and Xu Zhiyang shook their fists at the same time. The logical thinking of the former is obviously much stronger than that of the latter: "Master Xiao, we can actually use the method of elimination in this matter. There are not many people who know your identity. Difficult to find out."

Yuan Xin, who was tidying the table, heard the words, took the hand of the book, followed by a slight pause, and echoed with a smile: "Yes, Yu'er is right."

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