32. The Source of Life

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In the end, the cream ice cream was not eaten by anyone. The chief instructor ordered the students to sigh together.

"The time spent in labor is extraordinarily long, and the time of rest is extremely short... God! What a great man invented the military training project, the baby is suffering!"

Yi Mao stood in the crowd and complained, and soon someone answered: "Yi Mao, you grow so short, you can absorb more energy in the sun and help you grow taller."

Yi Mao has never heard that it can grow taller in the sun. After hearing this, he is doubtful: "Really?"

"It's truer than gold!" the classmate said with a smile.

Easy to take it off, because he is very short, it really needs sunlight.

As for Susu, it was a sad face staring at the cream ice cream under the shade of the tree. The ice cream bag was transparent. I saw that the cream on it quickly melted away at a rate visible to the naked eye, and then turned into a milky ice cream water. .

She: "..." She hates! ! !

Lu Xiao noticed the girl's murmured eyes and touched the tip of her nose unnaturally.

Bullying a little girl is not as fulfilling as he thought.

On the first day of military training, in addition to standing in a military posture, standing in a military posture. Where did the girls eat this kind of suffering? Standing legs trembling, but the eyes of Instructor Zheng were as if they were equipped with radar. Those who do small movements are pulled out by him to practice.

"Instructor, can you take a break?"

"Report before you speak!"

"Report! Instructor, can we take a break?"


So what's the difference between this report and the one that didn't?


For a time, the classmates were stunned, and the quiet ones in the team could only hear gasps.

It will be an hour after the dissolution again.

Lu Yao took Su Su and walked into the shade. "Our instructor is too ruthless. I just scratched the itch just now and pulled me out for training. He controls the air, the air, and the people. itch?!"

Lu Yao's face did not know whether it was irritating or hot, in short, it looked red.

Su Su said: "Yaoyao, pay attention to it next time and scratch it when he is not paying attention."

As soon as these words came out, both Lu Yao and Luo Qing looked at her.

Su Su was at a loss: "What's wrong?"

Luo Qing whispered, "Nothing. I thought your character would say you will be patient next time."

Who made the little roommate look too good?

Su Su blinked and smiled incomprehensiblely. Behind the smile was merit and fame.

Xu Zhiyang went to the toilet in the middle of a class. At this time, he was happy to see a few bottles of water in the side bag. He pulled the bag and pulled a bottle of mineral water from the inside.

"Who buys the water, and buys five bottles at a time, it's too much buddy!"

When he finished speaking, he felt a dry mouth. He unscrewed the cap, but suddenly a hand appeared above the top, and he pulled out the mineral water in his hand.

That's right, it's pulling, just like a rabbit pulling a carrot, pulling out the source of his life.

I saw Lu Xiao standing on the steps, looking at him in an absolute downward view.

Xu Zhiyang was embarrassed: "Brother Xiao, what are you doing grabbing the source of my life?"

Lu Xiao gently rubbed the bottle cap, and when he heard this, he patiently opened his mouth and corrected: "This is the source of my life."

Xu Zhiyang: "..."

Where is this buddy, has anyone seen a stingy guy who can't even drink a bottle of water? !

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